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*Raina's P.O.V*

Catiline, I had decided, was very annoying when she refused to leave me alone. Walking alone either ahead or behind the guards was not something she would let me do as it was not safe. I doubted anyone was going to try something but she insisted that I remain in the center of the group of guards. I wanted some time to think on my own about Anastasia and I's switch and what would happen if we were found out.

As soon as we made it back onto the castle grounds, I tried to separate myself from the guards. I was quickly accosted by one of the advisors that I had seen accompanying the King and Queen. Catiline rested her hand on my shoulder to keep me from running off as she listened to the advisor speak.

"The King and Queen have requested that Princess Anastasia join them within the drawing room. The Princesses Aunts and Uncles are here to visit her," the advisor said. The guards around us blanched at that and looked at Catiline who had gone oddly pale.

"Come Anastasia," Catiline said as she gently grabbed my hand. I surprised her when I pulled away, looking at her with a frown.

"I am going to spend time on my own, not bow down to the whimsy of other people who wish to see me now," I stated, earning a choked laugh from one of the guards. Catiline glared at the guard that did it who promptly quieted down before looking at me.

"Anastasia, your parents have instructed that you are to appear in the drawing room. They would not approve of your disobedience," Catiline said as she tried to grab my hand. I pulled away again while glaring at her.

"No," I stated with a huff.

"Guards, a little help?" Catiline asked as she looked at the guards with a slightly pleading look.

"I will bite you if you touch me," I informed one of the guards who had reached for my arm. That didn't seem to deter him so when he placed his hand on my arm I turned my head. I went to bite him, only stopping once he released my arm. My teeth clicked together as I glared at him.

"I will be informing your mother of this Anastasia," Catiline said with a frown. I shrugged as I ducked out of the group of guards, walking away with a frown on my lips. I needed time to think and if I got in trouble then I suppose that was what was going to happen. I found a shaded area that was hidden from view and sat down, resting my head on my hands.

What happened if they found out I wasn't Anastasia? They would probably hate me and want nothing to do with me. I liked it here and I liked the people so the thought of them not wanting anything to do with me was greatly upsetting. I frowned at the thought and curled into myself, resting my head on my knees.

I squeaked when the Queen appeared in front of me, not looking too happy. She crouched down in front of me, drawing my attention to her. I sank back against the tree and closed my eyes, covering my ears to ignore her.

"Anastasia, enough," she said as she pulled my hands off of my ears. "This is not appropriate behavior to have especially when we have guests visiting," she stated. I opened my eyes and glared at her, turning away. A part of me struggled with the fact that she was my Queen and therefore I should obey her but the other part, that was winning currently, said that she was my Mother and therefore I could disobey her if I liked.

I huffed and blew a raspberry in her face, a huff escaping my lips. I averted my gaze as she wiped her face off, moving farther away from her. "I do not have to listen to you old lady," I stated with a glare.

"You will apologize to Catiline for your disobedience, you will write an apology to the guard you tried to bite, and you will sit in timeout for spitting in my face," Mother stated. I shook my head while turning away with a frown on my lips. I decided to make a decision which I thought would only benefit me.

"I am not listening to you, I only listen to Papa," I informed her, the only decision that made sense to me. I covered my ears again as I turned away. Mother looked exasperated and tried to pick me up, only for me to slide out of her grasp. "Lalalalala, I am not listening," I said as I shut my eyes, curling into a ball. I stayed that way until I felt a tap on my arm, making me lift my head up. I opened my eyes and smiled when I saw Papa who gently pulled my hands off my ears.

"Anastasia, I am not happy with your behavior," he stated. He lifted me up rather easily which surprised me. I thought he would struggle some to lift me up but the fact that he could easily pick me up was kind of scary. "Can you tell me why you are acting like this?" he questioned.

I felt a wave of shame wash over me at his words before I pushed it down. He would probably hate me if he found out I wasn't Anastasia. I pushed down the feelings that tried to fight to the surface as I looked away.

"Sweetheart, I can not help you if you do not tell me what is wrong," Papa said as he carried me into the castle. "Tell me what's going on in that mind of yours so I can help, please baby," he pleaded quietly.

"I don't like you right now, I don't like anyone right now," I whispered as tears pricked my eyes. It was true, I didn't like anyone at the moment because they would all not like me if they knew the truth. "I don't like how I feel right now either and I can't help it," I said as I stared at the collar of his shirt.

"You don't have to like me right now nor do you have to like me at all, just know that I love you," he stated as he opened the door to what I recognized was my room. He sat me down on my bed and sat next to me. "I think it would be best if you took a nap, it might help with how you are feeling," he said.

"I do not want to," I pouted as I stared at the floor.

"You are very much like your mother, she pouts like that too when I insist she rests," he chuckled as he pulled the covers to the bed back. "Come on, lay down. I will see if I can talk to your mother about you getting extra dessert tonight if you agree," he said, offering the bribe. I agreed reluctantly as I laid down in the bed, surprised when he tucked me in.

"Goodnight," I said as I curled up slightly, surprised at how tired I was now that I was laying down.

"Goodnight Raina," he said, making me stare at him wide-eyed. My mouth went dry as I tried to find my voice.

"What did you say?" I questioned once I found my voice, feeling my heart beating rapidly.

"I said Goodnight Anastasia," he said, his face not showing any sign that he was lying. I nodded as I settled back down. I must have just not heard him correctly, there was no way that he knew.

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