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*Raina's P.O.V*

Mother kept a firm grip on my hand as we made our way to the river. She seemed to dislike the idea of walking through the tall grass. I had to lift my dress up and felt the cold dew of the grass on my legs. My stockings did nothing to protect my legs so I had to deal with that throughout the walk.

The guards that accompanied us had amused smiles on their face each time. They were only there to hold onto things for us and I wished I had offered to carry things so they were not here to watch me fail. I had always fallen a little short when stepping over causing me to splash those close to me with puddle water every time.

Catiline kept a close eye on me, offering to help me when there were small puddles that everyone else could step over but I struggled to get over. I had refused enough times for her to decide that she would just lift me up and carry me over the puddles before setting me down.

I tried to convince her not to but she didn't listen, choosing to help me against my wishes. Mother told me to stop whining about it as I clearly needed the help. It wasn't my fault it was hard to walk over the puddles when they were so large and my legs weren't supposed to go out that far.

"I will see you all down at the river," Tristan said as he took off down towards the river which had come into view every once in a while. I stayed close to Mother as we walked down a hill, Catiline helping when I nearly slipped and fell. As soon as we got to the sandy embankment of the river, I took my shoes off. I took my stockings off as well and just held them as I walked through the sand. My feet sank into the sand as I walked.

Tristan was already in the water, having thrown his shirt and pants off to the side before getting in the water. I clung to the Queen when I noticed how dark the water was.

"If you want I can hold onto your stockings and shoes," Catiline said as she held out her hand. I handed her my shoes and stockings, walking around in the sand. I made my way closer to the river, walking in the cold sand which was soaking wet. It was cold and caused chills to go up my spine.

"Anastasia, come back here," Mother said, making me groan audibly. I went back to her, noticing that the guards had set up blankets which everyone was now sitting on. Tristan was still in the river and I could hear him occasionally, his laugh echoing through the river bank.

I sat down next to her, my legs straight out in front of me as I smoothed my dress out. I bit my bottom lip as I looked out at the river. "Can I go dip my feet into the river?" I questioned Mother as I looked up at her.

"I do not see why you could not," Father said, making me scramble to get up. Mother grabbed my arm before I could actually walk away.

"I want you to take your dress off before you do that. Just stay in your chemise that way you do not ruin your dress," Mother said, making me sigh. It was not a weird request as most girls my age only wore their chemise into the river or if they had no company, they would forgo clothing at all.

"Fine," I said with a small frown on my lips. I tried to get my dress loose from my chemise before giving up out of frustration.

"Let me help," Catiline said as she got up. She helped me free my dress from my chemise and pulled my dress off over my head. She took my dress and folded it up nicely, setting it down by my stockings and shoes.

I went to the edge of the river, dipping my toes into it. I was surprised at how cold it was and walked along the bank of the river with my feet in the water. I found a boulder that was sort of in the water and climbed up on it, dangling my feet in the river.

"Anastasia, be careful," Papi called to me, making me glance at him. Him and Nanny were the closest to me which meant that they were keeping an eye on me.

"I will be," I promised as I kicked my feet out causing the water to splash out. I looked when I heard leaves rustling and saw Tristan off to the side and across the river.

"What are you all doing?" Tristan asked before he jumped off the side of the bank that he was standing on and went under water. He swam across the river for at least half of it before it got shallow enough that he could touch.

"We are staying out of the freezing water," Grandmama called. I slipped off of the boulder and walked farther out into the water.

"Anastasia, you said you were just going to dip your feet in the water and you can not get your bandages wet," Mother called, making me groan.

"I am not going to get my bandages wet, I promise. I'm just going out a little deeper," I said as I walked farther out, stopping when the water hit my knees. Tristan walked over to me, smiling softly as he splashed me. I splashed him back, giggling when he threw water at my face.

"Anastasia, please come back in towards the shallow end. I do not want you to get soaking wet," Mother called, making me turn around to look at her.

"Mama, I am fine. I am right by Tristan," I said, making her raise an eyebrow. "Fine," I groaned as I went farther into the shallow end. "Is this good?" I questioned her.

"Yes, that is fine," Mother said as she nodded her head. I walked along the shallows, keeping an eye on Mother. Once she looked away I dared to venture out a little farther since Tristan was still close by. I was walking along the sandy floor, stepping forward to try and make the sandy color swirl up.

I took another step forward, expecting my feet to maybe land a little in front of and slightly lower than where they currently were at. I was surprised when my foot did not land on anything causing me to plunge into the water. I went under and took in a breath of shock, immediately regretting it when water filled my nose. I heard splashing but I could not tell if it was someone else or if it was my arms as I tried to swim up to the surface.

The combination of being shocked and plunging into the water meant that I was not getting any closer to the surface. I did not even know where the surface was as I had to close my eyes to avoid the river water burning them. I felt something bump into me and there was a loud splashing before someone pulled me with them. My head broke the surface causing me to take in deep, ragged breaths.

"It is okay Anastasia," Tristan muttered into my ear as he got his footing and stood up, carrying me to the shore. "Get a blanket for her, she is freezing," he stated as I shivered. I rubbed my eyes, looking around as a blanket was wrapped around me.

"Give her to me," Mother said. Tristan lowered me down and I felt her pull me close. I cuddled into her, hiding my face as I shivered. Soft sobs escaped my lips as I tried to warm up, feeling my body shake from the freezing cold air.

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