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If you can't tell this is one of my favorite stories to write.

*Raina's P.O.V*

I had ended up falling asleep at some point while staring up at the ceiling and woke up when I felt cool air surrounding me. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, realizing that the fire that had once been burning in the fireplace had gone out during the night. I also realized that I had kicked off my blankets which left me feeling chilly.

There was a tightness around my stomach which made me frown as stretched out. The tightness only grew when I took a deep breath. I stood up, feeling a little light-headed and a bit faint. I sat back down, taking a deep breath as I tried to figure out why this was happening. I touched my stomach and felt the boning of the corset under my dress. I pulled my dress up and off, unlacing the corset which caused the tightness to lighten up some. I pulled my corset off and the rest of the tightness disappeared as I took in deep breaths.

I traced the lines left on my stomach from the boning of the corset. I winced at the fact that it had caused chafing overnight, my skin red and raw in some places from it. I got up and slipped on a chemise, the linen brushing against my stomach making me hiss softly. The chemise was supposed to be comfortable to wear as it was a garment normally worn under other clothes but it certainly hurt right now. I slipped on a simple red dress, it flowing loosely down to my ankles. I slid on some stockings to cover my feet before I left my room, having a brief plan in mind.

I wanted to go ask Aurora for some help since she probably would not tell on me. I mean I could only hope she would not since I can not imagine the trouble I would get in for disobeying the Queen about wearing the corset. I was not really scared of her per say but she was a little intimidating at the very least.

I found Aurora's room after a bit, having to go up the stairs to find it. Her room was down a long hall, at the very end of it. I only knew it was her room because I saw her outside of it. I approached her, tugging on her sleeve slightly to get her attention. She looked down at me and smiled softly.

"I will speak with you in a moment," she said quietly before turning her attention to the guard. They were talking for a bit and I noticed that she seemed to be flirting with him and he was returning the flirting quite happily. I wondered if they were courting or if they planned on courting soon since they clearly liked each other a lot. I waited a bit before she turned her attention to me. "Let us go into my room to speak privately," she said as she opened the door to her room. I followed her inside her room, watching as she shut the door.

"So do you like him?" I questioned her as I looked up at her. Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed from surprise as she looked down at me.

"I....perhaps I do like him although I do not know why you feel the need to ask questions about my personal life," she said as she sat down on her bed. I perched next to her, crossing my legs together to sit criss cross.

"I am curious is all. You seemed to really be into him," I informed her. She rolled her eyes with a small laugh escaping her lips.

"I suppose I might look really into him, however it would not be appropriate for me to court one of my guards," she said. "Now why have you come to see me? Did you get bored?" she questioned.

"I kind of need your assistance with something," I said as I looked down at my lap.

"Of course you do," she said as she tsked softly. "What did you do that you need me to assist you with?" she questioned.

"I kind of wore a corset overnight while sleeping," I said quietly, looking up at her nervously.

"You did what now?" she asked as she stared at me with wide eyes. "Did you at least have a chemise on under it?" she questioned me.

"No," I shook my head, earning a soft sigh from her.

"Let me see the damage that was done," she demanded, making me frown as I got up. I lifted my dress up carefully, slipping my chemise up to let her see the marks on my stomach and sides. "That looks pretty bad Anastasia," she said as I let my chemise and dress fall back down, smoothing them out as I sat down next to her.

"Do you think that there's some herbs that could help with the healing? They really hurt a lot so I want them to be healed as soon as possible," I said.

"I could get some herbs delivered to treat your injuries. I suppose you came to me since you do not want Mother to know that you wore a corset after she told you not to?" she questioned. I nodded my head slightly.

"Please do not tell her, I fear that she will be angry with me," I said while looking down at my lap with a small frown.

"I will not tell her on one condition," she said, making me look up at her.

"What is your condition?" I questioned her, slightly intrigued but more nervous than anything else.

"You have to behave for your nursemaid and at least give her a chance," she said, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "That means no messing about with them, pulling tricks and jokes. Anything like that and I will go directly to Mother to tell her that you wore a corset behind her back," she said.

"Alright, I promise I will behave for my nursemaid," I said, earning a small smile as she looked over me.

"Did you wash your face and hands this morning?" she questioned. I shook my head, earning a small groan from her as she got up. "That's supposed to be one of the first things you do when you wake up," she said as she went to the basin that was located right next to two sets of doors.

"I forgot," I muttered as I watched her open a cabinet and dip a rag into the water. She made sure to get rid of any excess water before returning to me.

"Close your eyes," she said. I obeyed and felt the cool rag, scrub my face gently. I kept my eyes closed until I felt her grab my right hand and start to wash it with the rag. I opened my eyes, watching as she methodically made sure to wipe off every bit of my right hand before turning her attention to my left hand.

"Thank you," I said as she finished up wiping my left hand clean.

"You are welcome Anastasia," she said as she straightened up, taking the rag to put it next to the basin. "Now you should head down to the dining hall before Mother decides to send a search party for you," she said as she came back over to me.

"Fine," I said as I stood up, wincing at the pain that shot through my side.

"I should have the herbs around midday at the latest so come see me then and I will make sure to apply them to your wounds," Aurora said. I nodded as I hugged her with a small smile.

"Thank you," I murmured before pulling back.

"You are very welcome little sister," she said. "Now go to breakfast, try to behave for Mother and Father. Give them a morning of peace before you start being a brat," she said teasingly with a small laugh.

"Maybe I will be good, maybe I will not," I said with a mischievous grin. I left her room with a small smile, feeling excited that I could trust Aurora at least somewhat with her promise to not tell the Queen about me disobeying.

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