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*Raina's P.O.V*

"We didn't do anything Mother, the pillows just randomly exploded," Anastasia says from where she's laying on the bed. She hasn't bothered to get up since I shoved her so I think she's fine with just being a sacrifice I guess.

"I will believe that when pigs fly," Mother says dryly as she crosses the room. I'm still hiding behind the pillows and I watch as Mother sits Anastasia up, giving her a look when she tries to flop back down.

I furrow my eyebrows, pouting when Mother moves my pillows and tries to make me sit up. I shake my head, rolling to the opposite side of the bed. I think I've escaped her but all I did was roll closer to Father who picks me up, moving to sit me by Anastasia.

"Cheaters," I mutter under my breath, making Anastasia nod her head with a frown on her lips.

"Both of you, be serious for a little bit," Father instructs, making me pout. I didn't even want to be serious for a second but he wanted me to be serious for a little bit. That would be so hard so I reluctantly agree after a moment.

"Why do we have to be serious?" Anastasia asks as Mother sits in front of us. We share a look, both smiling when we catch each other's eyes.

"Because," Mother says as she reaches out, holding my left hand and Anastasia's right hand. "Your father and I are so very sorry that we ever thought it was okay to let you two switch places. We should have sat down and explained everything to you, kept you in the loop," Mother says.

"But you didn't," Anastasia says, ducking her head when Mother gives her a look.

"Yes, we didn't do that. And we're sorry. However, to learn from our past mistakes, we're talking about what's going to happen from now on," Mother says.

"Anastasia," Mother says, keeping her gaze trained on Anastasia. "You will be going back to your old room since you've been asking to, your father and sister will be assisting you with your main studies," she explains, making Anastasia nod.

"Raina," Mother turns her gaze to me and I duck my head, not wanting to look her in the eyes. She would probably want me to leave, to go back home. I glance back at Mother, my eyes slightly tearful and she sighs as she notices. Anastasia has already pulled her hand out of Mother's hold so Mother leans over, pulling me into her lap.

"You already made her cry," Anastasia says, not sounding happy.

"I didn't mean to make her cry, I haven't even said anything," Mother says as she rocks me. "Raina, your father and I will have you move into a room either by ours or Anastasia's, so that you can be close to someone if you need them. I and Catiline will help get you caught up in your studies," she says. I pause at her words, glancing at her through my eyelashes.

"Don't have to leave?" I ask, making her suck in a breath. Mother lifts my head up, a frown on her lips.

"Why on Earth would we send you away?" Father speaks before Mother does, making me shrug my shoulders slightly. Everyone usually sent me away, that's just what I was used to.

"We are not sending away one of our children. We've already missed both of your lives far too much," Mother says as she pulls Anastasia closer, holding both of us close. "If I have to chain you two to me to keep my babies close by, I will do it," she threatens, making me giggle slightly.

"What are you laughing about? Your mother was serious," Father says as he pulls me out of her arms, lifting me so that I'm resting on his hip. I feel shy about getting held but don't say anything, not wanting to be put down just yet.

"Oh my little Stasia, I don't know why you're giggling either. I'm very serious about doing it," Mother says as she kisses Anastasia's forehead.

"Noooo," Anastasia whines, trying to squirm away despite Mother being a person that you couldn't really escape.

"So where do you think your room should be at, princess? By us or Stasia?" Father asks.

"By Stasia," I decide, making him pout dramatically as he puts me down.

"I see how it is," Father says, turning his back to me as he walks out of the room. I hear fake sobs start once he leaves and look at Mother who rolls her eyes.

"He's trying to make both of you girls into Daddy's girls," Mother says, tugging me closer. I snuggle into her, noticing that Anastasia is in her lap and is quietly playing with her necklace. I'm fine with just leaning against Mother, I don't think I would like being held so much.

"I'm already a Daddy's girl," Anastasia informs, making Mother huff as she looks down at her.

"Maybe I should have your Father help Raina with her studies so I can turn you back into a Mommy's girl," Mother suggests, making Anastasia shake her head quickly. Mother shakes her head, turning her attention to me.

"Wha...what about the people that raised me?" I ask the first question that pops up into my mind. If Anastasia and I were both here....would they be worried about me? I mean they weren't nice but I did still care about them in some small way.

"They've been in the dungeon since you two swapped. I am not allowing the people who kidnapped my daughter to remain free," Mother says softly, smoothing my hair back slightly as she kisses my forehead.

"You don't know that they kidnapped me," I mutter, making her hum.

"No but they won't tell me who gave you to them either so they're equally as guilty," Mother says as she pulls me closer so that Anastasia and I are both sort of on her lap. Anastasia rolls her eyes when Mother coos over her, trying to squirm away.

"I want freedom," Anastasia whines, her head flopping back slightly.

"You can have your freedom back when I am done spending time with my babies," Mother says.

"So...never," Anastasia and I say at the same time, both of us bursting into laughter as Mother huffs.

"You two are trouble," Mother states as if it's a matter of fact.

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