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*Raina's P.O.V*

I looked at Aurora with a pleading look as I sat on the foot of her bed. "Please Aurora, let me do it. Please," I begged as I pouted slightly. "No one will know, I can get away with it," I promised her.

"No Anastasia, I can not allow you to do that. I am your older sister so it is my responsibility to keep you from getting in trouble," Aurora said. I could tell she wanted me to do it, I could see it in her eyes. She was just trying to be all adult like and wasn't telling me that.

"Technically I am in charge, I am older than both of you," Aunt Cassie pointed out. "And your mother already said that she better not receive word from the guards about anyone leaving this room until morning. She has guards stationed at the door, the boring uptight woman," she stated, muttering the last part to herself. I groaned as I fell back, my eyes falling to the window. I sat up again suddenly as I stared at the both of them.

"Who said anything about me going out of the door," I said as I got up, walking over to the window. I unlocked it, pushing the window open.

"Absolutely not, you could fall to your death," Aurora said as she walked over to where I was. I frowned at her, pouting when she closed the window.

"I could not. There is a balcony one level down, I could totally get down to that balcony," I pointed out with a frown.

"You have no way of getting down there plus that balcony is right outside the throne room. You are not allowed in there without an adult and it is heavily guarded," Aurora stated, making me frown as I crossed my arms.

"Let me do it," I said as I glared at her. "I can do it, let me have my revenge," I begged.

"Absolutely not, it is dangerous. Aunt Cassie, tell her that I am right," Aurora said as she looked at Aunt Cassie. Aunt Cassie looked torn between helping me get revenge and being a responsible adult.

"Aurora is right, I can not allow you to do that. There is so much that could go wrong if you went," Aunt Cassie said. I went over to Aurora's bed and flopped down onto it, wrapping the blanket around me. I was glad I had my own blankets brought into the room, they allowed me to make a cocoon around myself.

"You are both boring and I do not like you," I whined. Aurora let out a laugh as she walked over to me.

"Do not be like that Anastasia, I just don't want you to get hurt," Aurora said as she sat down on the bed next to me and pulled me in to a hug. I huffed dramatically and faked being asleep as they kept talking. I would get my revenge whether Aunt Cassie and Aurora agreed to let me or not.

I used Aurora as a pillow later on in the night, my mind pondering over what I could do. I sat up with a sigh, looking at Aurora with a pout. It was not fair that I could not have revenge and the fact that Aurora wouldn't allow me to get that was cruel of her. Aurora apparently did not understand how far I was willing to go to get my revenge.

I was pulled out of my thoughts of last night Aunt Cassie sighing, my head resting on Aunt Cassie's arm, feeling my head start to slide down. Her hand was gently running through my hair as I started to fall asleep, only opening my eyes when I heard the soft click of the dining room doors open.

"What happened to you?" Aunt Cassie said, sounding shocked. I raised my eyes from the table and saw Mother with purple streaks running through her hair. It was barely noticeable but it was noticeable enough that I could see why she may be upset.

"Someone put dye in my shampoo and I have a pretty good idea who did it," she said, staring at me. I shrugged as I sank back into the chair, pulling my knees up to the left.

"Can't prove nothing," I muttered as I bit my thumbnail. "You can ask the guards, I never went out of the bedroom through the door," I stated. It was the truth technically, they hadn't seen me climb out the window. They may have seen me come back in the middle of the night but they hadn't seen me leave the room, nothing was said about me returning.

"You went out the window didn't you?" Aunt Cassie questioned.

"No," I shook my head as I looked down at my lap. There was no proof, I had done nothing wrong as far as the proof they had currently. "Purple is very pretty on you mama," I said as I picked up my fork and started eating. Purple means royalty, I honestly don't know what she could possibly be complaining about because it was a pretty color and no one else would have purple hair.

"Mhmm, well we will be speaking about you sneaking out of Aurora's room later so just stay out of trouble," Mum said.

"Can't make that promise," I muttered as a shrill scream echoed through the castle. Seems Aunt Emily finally discovered the dye I had put in her shampoo. A small smile tugged at the corner of my mouth as I kept my eyes trained on my plate.

"Anastasia, what did you do?" Mother questioned. I shrugged my shoulders as I picked at my food.

"I may have dyed her hair green...and I may have put manure in her shoes," I muttered. "But that's only if I did do that and you have no proof I did that," I said as my eyes flickered to her face. She pressed her lips together but I could see the corners of her mouth were perked up.

"You didn't," Aurora whispered, making me look at her.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't but if I did do it, it would have been justified revenge," I answered, shrugging my shoulders.

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