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*Raina's P.O.V*

The queen carried me to the dining room, her hold on me not loosening for even a second. Once in the dining room, she tried to set me down in a chair but I kept my grip on her making her give up. "Alright baby, you can sit with me," she said as she sat down and let me sit on her lap. I rested my head against her chest as I glanced around the dining room.

There was a chair next to the queen and I that was empty and the king was sitting in the chair next to that. Tristan sat to the right of him and then to the right of Trist was the king's parents, Rose and Gerald. To the left of the queen was Aurora and to the left of her was the queen's parents, Giselle and Nicolas. Giselle saw me looking and smiled which caused me to look away quickly.

"So Anastasia, I suspect that you are where you need to be with your studies?" the queen questioned. I nodded as people walked around filling the glasses at everyone's places. "At some point this month, I will be testing you on what you know. I do not know what day that will be but it will be a day," the queen stated.

"Good job. We just get back and you want to have her do exams," Aurora said. I glanced at her and she stuck her tongue out, making me giggle.

"I will make you do exams if you decide to question me about seeing where your sister is at with her education," the queen said as she wrapped her arms around me and grabbed her wine glass. She sipped it with a small smile on her lips as she sat the glass back down.

"Ooh exams," Tristan said as he chuckled softly. "Poor Aurora," he said as the king flicked the back of his head.

"You two better not start," the king said. "We just got home, let your sister have one meal with us without you two messing around," he stated.

"Fine," Aurora agreed. I glanced at her and noticed that she was rolling her eyes. She smiled when she saw me looking at her before looking away. "So baby sister, is your room still as childish as it was when we left?" she questioned teasingly.

"Aurora," the queen said as she sighed softly while shaking her head. "If your sister kept her room the same as it was before we left, there is nothing wrong with it," she stated as she carefully lifted me up and sat me on the chair next to her. I was still clinging to her dress and she gently pried my fingers off. "Baby, eat your dinner and then you can sit in my lap again," she coaxed me, making me reluctantly nod.

"Well now I am curious, did you keep your room the same? I doubt you kept it exactly the same considering you are older now and probably wanted to change some things," Tristan said with a small smile. I looked down at my plate as I shrugged my shoulders.

"You do not know whether or not you changed your room?" Gerald questioned me. I figured it was probably a little suspicious and noticed that everyone was looking at each other with a frown.

"I do not sleep there. I was moved to a different room," I said simply as I looked down at the plate of food in front of me. There were several different types of meat that I could not name just by looking at them and there was also a roll sitting next to them. I picked up the roll and picked at the top of it while looking up.

"You were moved to a different room?" Giselle questioned me to which I nodded. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced at the queen who was sitting there quietly.

"James," the king called, making the head guard enter the room quickly.

"Your majesty, what may I do to assist you?" he questioned as he stopped short of the table.

"Is it true that my daughter was moved from her room?" the queen questioned and I noticed how annoyed she looked.

"Well yes your majesty, that is true. Her governess moved her to a new bedroom on the north side of the castle years ago, shortly after you left," the head guard said after a moment.

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