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*Raina's P.O.V*

I squirm when Mama pulls me up, seeing as she was just grabbing me by the arm and pulling me up. She was doing the same thing to Anastasia and she didn't like it either. I pout at Mama, upset she would do such a cruel thing.

"Hawk, why did you think it a good idea to bring me one of my second brattiest children when I'm already dealing with one of the first brattiest ones?" Mama says, sounding faintly exasperated as Hawk chuckles. I give him a dirty look, upset he would find such a thing funny.

"I do enjoy making your life harder on you, your majesty, it's nothing personal," Hawk says as he bows his head, giving Mama respect when he doesn't even give me or Stasia respect. I was bouncing around nicknames in my head and it was either Stasia or Ana. I preferred Stasia at the moment.

"It feels extremely personal, seeing as you did say you would ruin my day earlier today," Mama says, making Hawk smile. The corner of his lips quirk up slightly, as if he finds it extremely amusing.

"Oh yes, I did say that," Hawk states, dodging when a rock comes flying at him. I look at Mama, seeing that she's staring at Stasia who has a pile of rocks on her lap. I gasp, finding it unfair she has rocks and I don't. I start scooping up rocks from the ground, sprinkling the dirt and rocks onto my dress.

"Anastasia, you do not throw rocks or anything at anyone," Mama scolds as she grabs Stasia's hand when Stasia raises her hand with another fistful of rocks. I glare at Mama, upset that she was grabbing my sister. I throw one of my own rocks, hitting Mama in the middle of her stomach. Mama turns her attention to me, giving me such a withering gaze that I instinctively shrink back.

"If either of you so much as throws another rock at anyone, we will be done with outside time for the rest of the day and whoever throws a rock will end up in the corner until I say otherwise," Mama says, making me drop my hand back into my lap. I did not want a timeout, that sounded horrible.

"Mama no," I say softly, upset by the idea. I did not want to sit in the corner for any amount of time especially if it meant no more outside time today.

"Hawk deserves it," Anastasia mumbles, making me smile slightly. It was kind of true, I did think that Hawk deserved to have rocks thrown at him.

"You deserve to be in timeout," Hawk says, sticking his tongue out at Anastasia. I huff at him, wanting to throw another rock since he stuck his tongue out at my sister. Only I was allowed to do that! Not him and his stupid big face.

"Don't stoop to their level, they're children and you're an adult, as well as the head guard," Mama says, making me stick my tongue at Hawk.

"Who says?" Hawk asks, making me giggle as he sits down dramatically on the ground. I

"Me...the queen," Mama says, making Hawk sigh as he lays back against the ground.

"Women, always so demanding of men," Hawk grumbles. Stasia crawls across the ground, letting out a noise of anger.

"Don't talk to my mama," she huffs as she pushes at him, trying to roll him away. Hawk grabs her hands, sitting back up as he shakes his head.

"Who knew the royal family was raising such mean little brats," Hawk says as he huffs dramatically, crossing his arms over his chest. In doing so he lets go of Stasia's hands which is a bad idea since she rubs her dirty hands all over his white shirt. Hawk gasps, looking at Mama.

"Why do you wear white? I tell you it's going to be ruined," Mama mutters.

"I'm going to tell your mom that you're being mean," Hawk says, although I think he's talking to Stasia this time.

"You did already, I don't care," Mama says dryly.

"I was talking to you, your royal majesty. I'll be telling your mom how mean and rude you are. I know she taught you better, we went to the same etiquette classes which she taught," Hawk says, making me giggle at how Mama's face seems to pale.

"Hawk, I will fire you so fast," Mama warns.

"Oh no, whatever shall I do if the mean queen fires me," Hawk muses, making me pout. Mama was not a mean queen. I brush the rocks off my dress, crawling over to Mama even if it hurts my knees. Mama looks down at me, seeing the pout on my face as I reach for her.

"Mama no mean," I whisper sadly, sniffling at the thought that this mean man was calling my Mama mean.

"I know baby, sometimes people just say mean things to hurt other people's feelings. Because they're stupid buttheads," Mama fake pouts as she kisses the top of my head. I snuggle into her, making her smile as she rubs my back.

"Do I need to put both of you in timeout until you learn your lesson about name calling...again?" Grandmama's voice makes me turn, seeing her standing in the doorway. I get up, nearly falling as I hurriedly go to her. Stasia does the same. Grandmama smiles, kissing the top of my head and then Stasia's head.

"Mother, we're just having some playful banter. No actual name calling," Mama says quickly, smiling as Hawk nods his head.

"Yes, I am so sure that is exactly what you two were doing," Grandmama rolls her eyes as she lifts me up into her arms, taking Stasia's hand.

"Hah, I'm a big girl. I get to walk and you don't," Stasia sticks her tongue out at me, making me shrug as I rest my head on Grandmama's shoulder. If being a baby meant I didn't have to walk, I was most definitely a baby.

"Grandmama..." Stasia says after a minute.

"Yes darling?" Grandmama asks as she looks down at Stasia.

"Up," Stasia holds her arms up, looking at Grandmama pleadingly.

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