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*Raina's P.O.V*

I chose to accompany Father back to the castle, watching as he easily carried the doe around his neck. He was using both of his hands to keep her supported and the little fawn was following him, trying to headbutt him in the legs with every step he took. Catiline had pulled me back before we made it to town and forced me to put my shoes on, claiming that it was inappropriate for me to walk barefoot through town.

I did not really agree with why she wanted me to wear the shoes but I had my own reasons for agreeing to wear them such as not wanting to step on glass. Catiline was holding my hand, something Father had insisted on. He seemed to think I would wander off. I ignored the stares of the town folks as the guards went to either the King or Catiline and I.

I felt kind of bad that we had ditched the rest of the family but they were just sitting down by the river. I couldn't sit for a long time, it was torture to do so. I looked up at Catiline and tugged on her sleeve slightly, gaining her attention. She crouched down to my level making me feel like I was much smaller than her.

"What is it dear?" Catiline asked, making me blink at the name. I had never been called dear before and it made warmth blossom in my chest.

"Can we go to the town stables? That's where my horse is and I want to see him," I questioned her, making her glance at one of the guards. The guard seemed to get the message and left the group, heading straight to Father. Father had continued on with his own group of guards, pausing only to speak with the guard from our group for a brief moment.

The guard returned and took his place in the escort before looking at Catiline. "The King has given his permission," he stated simply. Catiline nodded her acknowledgment as she straightened up, having me follow closely behind her.

I was thankful that both the guards and Catiline were doing their best to hide me from the view of nosey town folks. I clutched onto Catiline's dress, clutching the fabric tightly. If she noticed, which she probably did, she said nothing.

I let out a sigh of relief when I spotted the roof of the stables and released my grip on her dress, smiling slightly. Catiline grabbed my arm gently, making me look up at her with confusion.

"We're not here to ride at the moment, you simply wished to see your horse, correct?" Catiline questioned. I nodded my head quickly, earning a smile from Catiline. "Good, the last thing I wish to deal with after your near drowning incident is you getting injured while riding. The Queen may very well have my head," she stated as she released my arm.

I walked into the stables, stopping by Artemis' stall first. He was a sorrel draft horse, not the prettiest horse in the world but still quite magnificent. He snorted when he saw me and leaned his massive head down, allowing me to pet him.

He knew I wasn't Anastasia but in his mind, I was just as good seeing as I usually brought him treats. "I'll get you your treat in a moment, you great big oaf," I laughed as I stroked his head, running my fingers through his mane. He snorted again as he nudged my hand. "Okay fine, two treats," I agreed.

"You can understand him?" Catiline asked, making me look at her. She was standing slightly behind me, watching my interaction with Artemis.

"Sort of. I guess I'm just in tune with him after all this time of having him," I shrugged as I kissed Artemis' head. "I'll be right back boy," I said as I carefully moved down the stables, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I saw Promise.

"I wasn't aware you had more than one horse," Catiline said as she followed me. I bit my bottom lip as I offered my hand to Promise who sniffed it, clearly expecting a treat.

"I do not," I answered simply. "I would like to but I could never afford her," I stated the same thing I told Anastasia every time she asked.

"You most certainly could afford a horse from the town stables," Catiline said, sounding surprised at what I said. I winced internally as I realized that I wasn't Raina at this moment but rather Princess Anastasia.

"I just meant...I meant that I don't have money saved up to buy her. Her owner wants a couple thousand for her and that's a lot of money," I said carefully, watching Catiline's reaction out of the corner of my eye.

"Speak with your parents then, I am sure they would buy her for you," Catiline answered as she reached in and touched Promise's head. Promise searched her hand for a treat before letting out a snort of disappointment.

"I wouldn't want to bother them with it," I answered as I looked at the tack room. "I will be in the tack room if you need me, I just need a moment to process everything that has happened today," I said as I smiled weakly before heading to the tack room. I shut the door behind me, locking it after a moment.

"She is right, you know. My parents would buy Promise in a heartbeat if you asked," Anastasia said from our hiding place behind a shelf. Her voice was quiet but I had learned to be able to pick up the smallest sounds over the years.

I hurried over to the spot she was in and slid down next to her, glancing at her curiously. I gasped when I saw that her lip had a cut in it and there was some bruising around her eye.

"What the hell happened to you?" I questioned in shock, my voice barely above a whisper. She smiled slightly causing the cut to start bleeding.

"I got in a fight," she shrugged, looking profoundly smug. "I have never been in one before but it was amazing Raina. Normally I would get scolded and punished for doing anything slightly not lady-like but I got to fight without that worry. I did not have to put up with people being rude to me and just wishing that they would leave me alone," she stated with a grin.

"You worry me," I replied simply as I gave her a hug. "I am happy you are alright. I was worried you would not be here," I stated as she returned my hug.

"Of course I am alright, I got my street smarts from the guards after all," Anastasia rolled her eyes. "I figured you would want to meet soon and it was hard not to notice all the guards flocking around you so I came here," she answered.

"So how are things with my parents? I hope they are being nice to you," I said as I looked at her closely, concern coloring my tone.

"They do not even notice me most of the time, Raina, it is wonderful. I can finally just be me," Anastasia said. "Tell me about how things are going with my crazy family, I know how my mother is," she stated.

"I mean she is really nice, so is the rest of your family to be honest. She is just really protective and she also got a nursemaid just because I snuck out of the castle once to go to that shop you were telling me about. She seems to treat me like a child," I stated, making Anastasia beam slightly.

"That means she does not suspect anything. Although if you truly want to get her off any trail, throw a few fits for me. You can cry, give them the silent treatment, or even throw yourself on the floor. It was something I always did when I was younger," Anastasia stated with a smile.

"You want me to throw a temper tantrum? Is that what you are saying?" I questioned quietly. "You are a terrible influence on me," I muttered.

"Yeah, I think it would be hilarious for my mother to actually have to deal with one. Normally she had the nursemaid and governesses deal with it even when she was here," Anastasia shrugged. "I am not saying you have to it just sounded funny to me although that may be the head trauma from the fight talking," she stated.

I looked up when there was a knock on the door and scrambled to stand up, going to the treat bags. I grabbed a few treats before unlocking the door after making sure Anastasia was hidden.

"Are you alright?" Catiline asked to which I nodded. "Are you sure?" She questioned to which I nodded again.

"I am fine," I murmured as I walked past her, heading to Artemis' stall after giving Promise a treat quickly.

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