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We finally get to meet little Raina in this chapter

*Raina's P.O.V*

I sat with Mother for most of the day, her arms wrapped around me as she discussed the Ball with Dorea. I listened to them speak as I cuddled into Mother, watching her speak with mild interest. She seemed to really enjoy planning the Ball, her eyes were lit with excitement. I squirmed to look at Catiline who raised an eyebrow. I smiled softly as I turned back to look at Mother.

My eyes fluttered close as I started to drift off to sleep. Mother gently shifted me so that I was cradled slightly. I fell into a light slumber as the voices faded around me slightly, my head resting on her chest. The next thing I knew was her heartbeat was thudding right in my ear and my cheek felt hot from where it was resting against her dress.

I lifted my head up with a soft whine as I opened my eyes, rubbing my eyes with my hands tiredly. I felt a cool hand touch my forehead as I looked up at her, my lower lip trembling as I tried to push away from her. Mama shushed me as she pulled me close, a concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong darling?" Mama asked as she tilted my head up so that I was looking her in the eyes. Her words were even more upsetting because truth be told I didn't know why I was so upset. I wanted something but I couldn't tell her what I wanted because the words kept getting stuck in my throat.

"Your majesty, it may be best to let her go. I think you are just upsetting her further," Catiline's voice said as I pushed at Mama's hands, soft sobs escaping my lips. Catiline was here, Mama was here, who was missing? The thought hit me suddenly and I looked at Mama with tears running down my face.

"Papa, wan' papa," I sobbed out as I tried to climb off her lap. Mama shushed me as she stood up, resting me on her hip. I had to go find Papa, I just had to. What if he was gone? I didn't want him to leave, he had only just returned.

"We'll go get Papa but you have to calm down baby, you're working yourself into a fit," Mama whispered as she rubbed my back as I pushed my face into her chest. She walked quickly, her heels clicking on the stone floors as she made her way up the steps. It only took a few moments which was far too long in my opinion before she stopped and opened a door.

"What's wrong Eleanor?" Papa's voice said and I lifted my head up so quickly that the top of my head hit Mama's chin. A soft whimper escaped me at the pain in my head from the impact. I struggled to get down as I reached for him, soft whimpers escaping me as he stood up. He hurried over and took me from Mama, resting me on his hip. "What's wrong?" he whispered as I buried my face into his chest.

"I don't know, she woke up and just started sobbing. She only said that she wanted you," Mama said as I wiped at my tears with the back of my hand. I hiccupped slightly as I looked up at Papa. He was still here, he hadn't left me. He was pacing slightly as he patted my back, gently rubbing small circles every once in a while.

"If I may speak freely?" Catiline asked. I glanced at her and noticed that she was looking at Mama's chin from where my head had hit, looking over it carefully before stepping back.

"You know you can," Mama said as I turned my attention back to Papa who smiled softly as he kissed the top of my head.

"I think it was a bit disconcerting for the princess to wake up with how she's feeling. It's not uncommon for children to regress slightly when there are sudden changes in the home and I think her mind has fully recognized that you're here which is a major change. It would also explain why she sought out the King, her mind wanted to verify that he was still here as it was in a very vulnerable place," Catiline said.

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean Catiline, I've never been the best at understanding the whole childcare thing," Papa said as I reached up, touching his face to make sure he wouldn't disappear suddenly. I looked between him and Mama to make sure that they were both here.

"Let me do it in simple terms then. How old are you, princess?" Catiline asked. I turned my head to look at her and held up four fingers as I smiled slightly. I was so old, I was four and that was a big number. "Right now, the princess has the mind of a four year old, a four year old who is currently terrified that her Mama and Papa are going to leave her alone," Catiline said.

"So we just treat her like a four year old?" Mama asked as Papa sat on the edge of his desk, looking down at me curiously. I smiled as I showed him four fingers, he had to know how old I was too because four was a very important age.

"Yes, until she shows signs that she is back to her regular age it's important to treat her just as you would a four year old because that's what her mental capacity is," Catiline said as she nodded her head. I turned to climb off Papa's lap and he sat me down carefully, his hand resting on my back to steady me.

"Mama," I whispered as I scrambled over to her, burying my face into her neck as she lifted me up. I had to check that she was still here, what if she decided to leave? I didn't like when people left me, it got very lonely.

"A very clingy four year old," Mama said as she gently rubbed my back. She kissed my head as she hummed softly. I wasn't clingy, I just had to check if she and Papa were there. There was a very important difference.

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