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*Raina's P.O.V*

I woke up with a small groan, my body protesting as I stretched out. My legs ached, a stabbing pain running through them. I was sorely regretting walking so much earlier which was weird. I had walked much longer than that before and for longer periods of time but I guess I was out of practice. My mind replayed the scene from earlier and I sat up quickly.

"There is no way," I whispered as I stared down at my lap. He could not know, no one knew except Anastasia and I. My head snapped up when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and I flinched back out of surprise. The Queen- er Mother was sitting next to the bedside, embroidering something. Her hands moved in a precise manner but her eyes flickered up to look at me.

"There is no way what?" she questioned as her gaze returned to the fabric she was embroidering. I watched quietly for a moment before she looked at me expectantly.

"Nothing," I muttered, surprised when she raised an eyebrow.

"Do not mutter, it does not befit a princess," she stated while tsking softly. I pretended to be abashed by that but honestly my mind was still on the fact that the King had called me Raina. "Clearly it is not nothing,, you keep look like you are thinking about something troubling," she stated as she sat her embroidering down. She stood and moved to sit next to me on the bed.

"I have a lot on my mind is all but it really is nothing," I stated as I looked down at my lap. She grabbed my chin gently and tilted my head up so that I was looking at her.

"Are you sure darling?" she questioned with a small frown on concern. I nodded as I leaned against her, my head resting against her arm. She undid the braid in my hair and ran her fingers through the curls that had formed.

"I am sure," I nodded my head as her fingernails gently scratched my scalp. I relaxed against her, burying my face into her shoulder.

"Well if you are sure Raina," she said quietly. I froze for a second, my entire body tensing up for a second as I lifted my head up.

"What did you call me?" I questioned quietly. Her eyes searched my face for a second before she opened her mouth to respond.

"I called you Anastasia, why do you ask?" she questioned while peering down at me, her eyes searching for something. I stared back in confusion as she smiled softly.

"I just thought I heard you calling me something else is all," I murmured while her hand slid down my back, rubbing in small circles.

"Well I suppose I could call you Stasia or Anna but you said you were too grown up for that when you were eight. You said that big girls did not have nicknames," she stated. "I may have slipped up and called you Stasia and I am sorry if I did," she apologized.

"No, no it's fine," I said quickly. "I am pretty sure that is what you called me and I do not mind. I kind of like it," I lied as I leaned my head onto her chest. She scratched my back gently causing me to shiver slightly.

"So you do not mind if I call you Anna? Even if it embarrasses you in front of your friends?" she asked teasingly. I shook my head, earning a soft smile from her.

"You still owe me an apology for spitting in my face," she said after a moment, making me blink in surprise. I had forgotten about that particular detail but simply nodded.

"I am sorry I spit in your face," I said after a moment.

"Short and to the point, I appreciate your apology very much," she informed me as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I froze for a second before snuggling into her, closing my eyes. "You can not go back to sleep silly girl, it is almost dinner time," she pointed out.

"Shhh, I am going back to sleep," I murmured as I pretended to snore.

"Oh I am so sure that you are asleep," she scoffed, her body shaking with silent laughter. I listened to her heartbeat, her hands wrapped around me. I let my thoughts wander as I curled farther into her, seeking out the comfort that she seemed to radiate.

She had called me Raina too hadn't she? Unless I was imagining things, and I doubted I was, they had to know. How they knew was a question that would plague me for a while. I had done nothing to give away what we had done. How did they know? I was hoping that I just misheard because the idea of being found out chilled me to my core. Because what if they had known all along and it was just some big test?

"'stasia," Mother tilted my head up to look at her. I stared into her eyes and saw nothing except slight concern and love. "I already told you that you can not sleep silly girl," she said with a small smile. "Now get up or I will have your brother and sister drag you down to the dining hall," she said teasingly. I took a deep breath, shaking my head. I had to bide my time until I could see Anastasia and see what she thought I should do. However until then I had to play it off like nothing was wrong.

"I refuse to leave my room, I will chain myself to the bed," I said with a slight pout which surprised me. Most of the time I just pouted to exaggerate how much I did not want to do something but I never genuinely pouted over something. I had been corrupted, poisoned by the food most likely. It was the only explanation, that or there was something in the water.

"Fine, I suppose I can go get your Papa and he can carry you down there," she said as she got up. I scrambled off my bed quickly, shaking my head.

"No, I will walk," I stated with a huff as I crossed my arms. "I will walk slowly," I informed her as I stuck my tongue out at her before hurrying out of the room, just to escape her. I heard her scoff as she started to follow me and I frowned in realization.

I had to meet more people now. My life sucked and nothing that anybody said would change my mind. I huffed softly as I trudged ahead, taking slow steps to prolong my fate. Clearly fate hated me or else this would have never happened.

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