Scary Eyes Glaring At Me.

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Jimin POV

I woke up from the sharp pain from my neck and leg , wincing in pain and look around. Then I noticed that I were lying on something which is like a nest .

My body were aching a lot as I sit up in uncomfortable and look around,observing the unfamiliar place like cave with a small lake in front of me.

What am I doing here?

Am I not dead yet?

I touch where the sharp pain comes from and winced in pain again.

After collecting my thoughts, I remembered how I ran away from the palace,guards chasing after me and......................

The Wolf!!

Yes I fainted after he bite me on my neck! I thought that I will be killed also like those guards but how am I still alive?
And why am I still here? That wolf might bring me here after I fainted or is it someone?
Anyway I should go away before whoever might came back because its dangerous.

I tried to stand up but fall before even standing because of the wound on my thigh. Tears welled up in my eyes thinking that my life is so miserable.
Now I can't even stand up.

I wiped the tears before it falls from my eyes. Then I flinched when I heard a heavy footstep,stone crinkling sound.
Fears coming back and I tried to scurried away with a panicked whimper to hide from whoever coming but stop myself in fear when I heard this someone growl making me trembled violently.

I slowly turned my head towards their direction and saw the yesterday man who transformed from the big black wolf, standing there with a torn cloth covering only his lower half and some cloth in his hand while glaring at me with his dark red eyes.

He walk closer and I stayed there frozen in fear,biting my trembling lip from making any crying sound.

"Trying to escaped?"

I flinched at his deep,rough voice and shakes my head, denying his question.
I don't want to die yet who knows if I do something he doesn't like and he will killed me like those guards yesterday.
Thinking of it, fears coming back again and my stomach churned in disgust on recalling how they died.

He kneeled down and wrapped his one arm around my waist and another on my leg lifting me up.
I whimpered as my body is still aching and tried to wiggled out in uncomfortable because of my disheveled cloth which is hanging from my shoulder. And the teared lower dress showing off my leg didn't help a single bit as he carelessly grabbed me.

"W-whe-where are you taking me? "
I asked bringing my all strength and courage to speak out in curiosity with fear.

He look down on me with the same glared with his red eyes making me cowered in fear again. So I look down quickly, avoiding his eyes.

He didn't answered.

After six or seven step we reached at the small lake and he kneeled down, making me sit on the flat rock.

"Clean yourself. Here is the cloth."

He said this while giving me the clothes and walk inside the big cave before sitting on the ground and look around in alerting mode.

I look at the white clothes on my hand which seems to be a long robe, not too thick nor thin.

'Where did he get this?' I thought and then my eyes fall on the surrounding. I look around admiring the beauty of nature which I just noticed, now forgetting my earlier fear and stressed.

Big trees everywhere,bird chirping, sunlight passing from the thick shade,water falling from a not so high slope,and also some wild flower looking so beautiful. I never thought that such place is exist inside the dark forest that everyone fear.

After admiring the natures for a minute, I took off my torn red dress while checking the man to make sure that he wasn't looking. And thankfully he was still glaring on somewhere I am not sure.

I slowly climbed down wincing in pain from the rock to the lake which is not that deep as I can see small pebbles through it. I slowly sit down inside the water and clean myself making sure not to put much pressure on the wounds. As I look at my own reflection on the water, I saw the bite mark and it look somewhat terrible.

' Why did he bite me and did not killed me like others yesterday? Is he trying to save me from the guards but why? '

He did not do anything harmed to me yet except the biting and the cold harsh glared. But I should not trust him yet. I should leave this place if I get the chance but......... ..I did not know where to go . I did not have anywhere to go.

And something told me to stay here but I did not want to be with a stranger.
Yes I have always fascinated by the werewolf and read a lot about them,always wanted to see them but now its beyond my imagination. It terrified me.
I want to run away from here but my instinct told me that I should not.
Who knows the guard might still looking for me and if they caught me they would hand me to the monsters.
And that is the least thing I don't want. I would rather get killed by a wolf than live with them who killed my father.

Thinking of my father,tears welled up in my eyes. I wished he stay on the better place now.
Brushing off my thought I finish cleaning myself and put on the long white dress like cloak,wrapping myself fully.

Then I slowly stand up,this time not falling while tying the robe but gasped in surprised when I saw the man in front of me with the same glaring eyes.

I tried to say something like ' I finished washing' or something but the words got rolled inside my mouth. I look down not wanting to meet his gaze. Then he lifted me again like I weight nothing.

After a few steps, we reached inside the cave and he put me down on the nest to which I was lying before.
We did not share any words just awkward silence around us.
Then he suddenly lift my robe up making my eyes blown wide at his action and I tried to stop from whatever he is going to do. But before I stop him,he wrapped a small cloth around my wounded thigh making my heart feeling something that I did not know.

Now that I think about it, I was shot by an arrow and must have lost a lot of blood but when I woke up I saw only dried blood , wound that is not too deep. And that makes me sigh in relieved.

Then my train of thoughts stop when he come closer and wrapped another cloth on my neck .I look at him thinking maybe he is not that bad.

After he finish wrapping, he look at me and placed his hand on my cheek.
This time not that glare that he gave but a gaze that I don't understand.
He leaned closer and I lost myself at his eyes. Without realizing I felt his lip on mine, kissing me.
I closed my eyes feeling the gentle touch for a moment leaving all the worry,his lip softly biting my own slowly, making me gasped and his tongue were invading inside me.

I don't know what has gotten into me but I felt like I need this so I didn't push him away. It was strange but at the same time feels so right.

After some minute of him mostly kissing me in dominance, he pulled away putting his forehead on mine, our eyes both closed. Breath going up and down in rhythm.

"You are mine,mine only ....My Mate."


Hello Yeorobun I'm back with new chapters hope you guys love it . If you like the story please show some love ♡ Lots of love from me (●'з')♡

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