Our Baby Name

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Author POV

The now 18 years old pregnant boy is in his 9 month. Everything around him is okay. Even the bond between his alpha and him grew stronger, the same with the pack members. He is happy to be said.

He missed this feeling, the warmth.....
To be a part of the family he wished nothing but this moment with them.

Now the two couple were sitting outside cuddling under the shade of tree, with the alpha arms around the small body of his mate who leaned his back on the hard muscle chest of his husband enjoying the view infront of them.

The pregnant boy were feeling suffocated staying indoor all the time so they came out for fresh air.
The Alpha put his nose on his mate neck where he marked him, smelling his sweet scent. He would caressed his big tummy waiting for their baby to kick.

When Jimin felt his baby kick for the first time, he was so shocked thinking that something must be wrong with them that he cried on his Alpha armed all day in which the said Alpha laugh at his husband while consoling him that the baby is fine and the kick was letting them know that it was staying fine inside his womb.

He doesn't know how this pregnancy work so everything was new to him and he were anxious to all of this.

Jimin is playing with his husband's big tanned hand comparing with his small white one.

" Kook "

The Alpha slowly opened his eyes smiling at the nickname with his nose still on the other's neck and let out a small hum as response.

Jimin giggled at the tickling sensation on his neck but he did not mind so he continued,

" What should we name our baby?"

Jungkook slowly pull away from the other. At this Jimin whined a little losing the warmth but stopped when he was turned around facing the other who are smiling so lovely.

" Do you have anything in your mind?"

The Alpha asked back.

Jimin puckered out his lips a little thinking hard to came up a name.
And the Alpha is dying inside overwhelming by the cuteness of his mate.

" If it is a boy.............. Min Gguk?? Do you like it? "

Jungkook smiled at the name agreeing to his mate and said,

" yes I like it, so if it is a girl....................

How about Min Jung ? "

Jimin let out a small chuckled because of the same thought sharing with his husband and nodded his head excitedly.

The Alpha leave a soft kiss on his adorable husband's lip and then leaned down placing his ear on the round tummy after leaving a small kiss.

" Hello little pup there, do you hear you father voice? "

Jimin laughed at the silly Alpha but let out a gasp when he felt the kicked.

Jungkook look at the spot in surprised where their pup just kick and grinned like an idiot.

And the day passed with them all goofy, cuddling sharing a kissed here and there enjoying the moment.

A beautiful moment for the two beautiful being. The moment that everyone love to have.


So long time no update 😄 sorry guys 😁

I just escape from my school work to update this so I hope you guys like the update. The next update might be irregular as I have been a little busy these days so I hope you guys to be patient until this book end 🤗💕

Luv ya~


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