Don't Leave Us

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Author POV

The Alpha felt warm inside him seeing his beautiful mate and a small ball of sunshine wrapped in a white blanket who is giggling to the funny face that his mother made to make him laugh.

They were inside the small house which is now a home for the three of them. Its been a 2 weeks since the birth of Minguk and every member of the Jeon pack were very happy at the news. They congratulate their Pack Alpha and Luna and celebrate all night that day.

Every Alpha were working so hard for the pack. They would go for a hunt everyday before winter comes again for foods and clothes. And some stay at the boundaries of their territories protecting the pack from rogue wolf, enemies and unwanted human.

And the women which were mostly an omega and a beta stay at home preparing foods and bath for those who goes for a hunt and look after their pups and old one.

The Luna would also come out from his home and help the others for the grand feast every night but everyone opposed to the idea since he is still weak from the birth and the pup needs all his mother attention every single minute for now. He is still fragile so they always told him to rest.

But today, all the Alpha had returned from their hunting with a sad, angry frown on their face. They carry something big with them on their way home in the carriage.

They were now standing in front of their pack members with a guilty frown on their face.

The one who stay back home now were all gather sensing something is wrong in the atmosphere.

Jungkook, the pack leader walk towards a women who were standing anxiously looking for her mate.
He stand in front of her bringing out a familiar necklace of Jeon pack which is smeared in blood and gave it to her.
The women took it and burst in tears when she knew that it was the necklace of her mate.

" Sorry........ We failed to save him."

All the villagers gasped at the news and some were shedding tears at the lost of one family member while some try to comfort the woman who were crying nonstop at the lose of her mate.

Jimin sadly look at the scene unfold.

" Losing mate must hurt her alot...."

He said and fall his eyes on his husband standing there.


" How did it happened? "

Jimin asked quietly to not make his 2 weeks old pup woke up who were sleeping soundly beside their bed in a small nest.

Jungkook get inside the blanket and hug his mate tightly from the back, nuzzling his nose on his neck, smelling his sweet addicting scent.

" We are sure that He was killed by a northern Choi pack, our eternal enemy. "

Jimin turned around facing his mate who look a little tired.

" Why? "

Jimin asked moving the fringe of hair softly away from the Alpha eyes and placed his hand on his cheeks who closed his eyes slowly loving how soft the touch that he feels on his cheek.

" Trying to show that they are more powerful than us........maybe.

They might start a war against us sooner or later so we should be prepared ourselves beforehand.
We didn't know what they are thinking right now. "

Jimin frowned at this.

War means death and he doesn't want anybody of his pack to die like that and also he doesn't want his Alpha to get hurt.

" Isn't there any way to stop this? "

Jungkook opened his eyes and look at the worried eyes of his mate and smiled.

" Yes there is.......... If they want to cooperate with us."

He said pulling him closer, their nose touching and they were literally breathing the same air.

They stare, lose in each other eyes.

" Promise that you would not leave us alone............please."

Jimin asked with tears in his eyes feeling emotional all of a sudden.
Seeing this Jungkook placed a kiss on his forehead worriedly trying to calm him down.

" Shhhh don't cry Love why would I leave you and Minguk , I would never leave you two I promise you. "

Jungkook said rocking his mate back and forth.

After he calm down a little, he slowly look up and said something that surprised his mate.

" Kiss me then. "

Jungkook chuckled at his mate bluntness but kissed him on the lips without wasting any seconds.

They smiled at the passionate kiss, leaving no space between them and whispered ' I love you ' in each other.

" Kook? "

"Hmmm? "

" Let' s grow old together."

Jimin said followed by a giggled at his own cheesy line.

Jungkook look at his mate lovingly and replied,

" Yes we will. "


Double update~

How is it going? Did you guys still love the update? I hope so.


Luv ya~


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