Safe Place

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Author POV

After that incident, the two 'Mate' did not talk... Much worse than before.
The boy were all day lying on his nest to avoid the Alpha. He would eat the fruits brought by the Alpha when he felt hungry.

He also wore the dress that the Alpha brought for him. This time it was a white tops and a nude pant.

It's been a three days since the incident. The boy is getting a bit better from his physical and mental pain.

Now He is getting bored of doing nothing other than eating and his business.

He want to get some fresh walk, but hesitate a little thinking that the Alpha might thought that he would run away .

After a good minute of thinking, he come out from the cave and start going for a little walk. He goes near the bundle of wild flower picking up one and put on his left ear with a small smile on the lip.

Suddenly a grey rabbit jumped out from the bush, Jimin flinched and let out a squeaked in surprised. He saw the little rabbit and his smile got even wider. He picked up the little animal and pat it in adoration. The cute little animal snuggled in his arm finding comfortable places. Jimin giggled at his cute attempt and bring him inside the cave. He play with the rabbit all the morning.

It was around at noon, Jimin sat on the rock, legs swinging on the water with the rabbit sitting comfortably on his lap.
Suddenly the rabbit try to run away sensing danger, Jimin being clueless hold the rabbit worriedly and ask,

"Hey little one, what happen? "

Then he heard a low growl from beside him.

He quickly turned his head towards the direction and saw the Alpha standing 3 metres away, glaring at the poor rabbit.

Jimin tried to calm the rabbit down by patting softly while the little animal squirmed in fear trying to get out from his hold.

I mean who would not trembled in fear when someone look at you like his prey, Jimin also felt scared when he first met the said man but not anymore.

The boy glared at the growling jealous Alpha and said,

"Jungkook, can you please stop! You are scaring him."

Well he did not listen, not giving a single glance to his Mate but continue throwing dagger to the panicked rabbit who finally jumped away from Jimin lap, hopping for his dear life away from the Jealous Alpha.

Jimin look at his little friend sadly that is running away from him.
He sighed, and glared to the Alpha who has his gaze on him now.

He wanted to shout at the man but stopped himself taking a deep breath as he did not want another argument.

He stand up and walk towards the cave, ignoring the other.

"Jimin, We have to go."

Jimin stopped in his track and face the Alpha at the unexpected statement.

" What do you mean, where? "

The alpha walk towards him and answered,

" To the safe place. We must go now."

Jimin let out a sarcastic laugh at the other and said,

" Nothing is safe being with you, I don't want to go anywhere. You can go alone, don't bother about me."

The wolf take a deep breath to calm down his anger, he had been controlling his anger these days and his grumpy personality can't help it.

"You like it or not, you're going with me."


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