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   Keep note that there's a lot of swearing (probably a bit excessive) in this book because it's Bakugou y'know? 

    Name: Y/N L/N (people will call you by your first name rather than your last name, it's just more natural where I'm from lol)

Age: 16

Birthday: Y/B (your birthday)

Character: YOU.. just picture yourself. It could be you how you are or how you want to be

Father's quirk: Lightning bolt (allows user to 'summon' one straight line of lightning from the sky. Only normally works during thunderstorms)

Mother's quirk: Matire (allows user to turn anything into a very flammable substance, but they have to know the properties of the item. The substance in made from the heat in the users body, therefore after using the quirk for long periods of time the users body becomes ice cold and it becomes a hazard)

Your quirk: Hellfire Bolt (Kind of two quirks? More like 1 quirk with 2 parts (ex. Todoroki's))

- You can do exactly what your mother can to the ground and using your father's quirk, you can ignite the ground yourself. Your lightning quirk works during all times. Although it will only come from the sky when it's thunder-storming. Otherwise, you can shoot the straight bolt of lightning from your palms; but it's not very large. It gets significantly easier to do this in the rain and in the dark. Because your mother's quirk causes things to be flammable, you have an extension of it and can set the bolt aflame; though doing so takes a large toll on your body and usually sends a shock through you, temporarily paralyzing you. If you set what you make flammable with your lightning, the fire will be yellow; which can't be put out by rain but is sensitive to wind.

    Sorry.. that was a really long description and I hope it wasn't too confusing or too 'out there'.

    This is a new story I decided to write, mainly because I'm bored. 

    It was based off of a headcanon of mine that Bakugou is too prideful to admit when he is in love with someone.. causing him to suffer from Hanahaki Disease. 

    That's pretty much the basics of the story line, or the main part of it at least. There will obviously be a lot more too it though.

    I will most likely add some of my OC's in it. For some of them I have drawings (that I did, so some of the art in this book is mine; I'll say when it is).

    So yea, that's pretty much it.  Oh, they'll definitely be a few time skips and flash backs throughout the story.. but I'll say when it is so it wont be as confusing.

    Anyway.. enough of that. Enjoy the story! I'll probably post once or twice a week :)

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