~ TWENTY-FOUR | 24 ~

193 4 1

F/S: Favourite show




"You plan on getting up anytime soon, dumbass? It's past noon" Katsuki said, lightly shaking me awake

"Hah? Sorry, I took a nap after unpacking"

"You did this by yourself this morning?"

"Yeah? Is there a problem?"

"You could've asked for help stupid"

"You were sleeping though"


"Okay, sorry" I said getting up and locking myself in my bathroom

    Soon, I heard a certain knock pattern on the door; letting me know that it was Katsuki.

"Dumbass, I'm sorry. I overreacted, open the door"




"WHATEVER" he yelled and I heard my bedroom door slam

     I walked out of the bathroom and made my way to the kitchen, grabbing myself a bowl of cereal before heading to Katsuki's room. I forgot to knock, realizing I forgot right after I walked in and caught him doing something that I would need bleach for later.

    I froze, in shock before slowly closing the door and walking back to my room; my eyes still wide. I walked onto my balcony and sat on a chair, eating cereal and listening to soft calming music. Until Katsuki walked in.

"Uh.. hey" he said


"You uh, didn't knock"

"Yeah, sorry; I forgot"

"Are uh, you okay?"

"I should be asking you that"

    He hummed back and sat down in the chair next to me. We sat in silence for a bit, before he put his hand on my shoulder; slightly shaking it.

"Dumbass, don't worry about it. Sorry you had to see that though"

"Ah, it's fine. I kind of figured it would end up happening eventually I just didn't think that it'd be this soon"

"Yeah, I guess"

    I shook my head, trying to get the sight out of my head; only to trigger a really bad headache. I grabbed my head and groaned in pain. I felt myself get picked up and brought to the bed where I was gently layed down.


"But I was sleeping and then I took a nap"

"Fine then"

    He grabbed my TV remote and turned on F/S. I sat up on the bed, not being very comfortable. I layed my head in his lap and started slowly falling back asleep.

~ Bakugou's POV ~

    I tried to hold in my coughs until she fell asleep, and once she was I moved her off of my lap and moved to her balcony. I coughed up all that I could, flower petals scattering themselves all over the floor of the balcony and they slowly flew off with the wind. 

    I felt something get stuck in my throat as I struggled to breathe. I grabbed my throat, trying to regain my breath. My head felt like it was about to explode, my vision went blurry and the light dimmed. Soon, everything went black. 

    I woke up on Y/N's bed.

"Took you long enough" I heard from an unmistakable voice beside me

~Y/N's POV~

    I woke up, with a loud yawn followed by an accidental squeak. I went to walk outside for fresh air when I saw a passed out Katsuki on the ground surrounded by more flower petals. I went into a state of panic and dragged him inside, trying to my hardest to get him onto the bed which eventually I managed to do.

    I went downstairs and grabbed a few things for him, a cold cloth for his forehead, water with some tylenol, pretty much just all of the things I could think of. I sat down in my office chair beside my bed and watched him peacefully sleep.

    He was definitely leaving something out with this whole coughing up flower thing, but I decided that I would let it go for now and not bug him about it as soon as he woke up. Soon, I heard shuffling in the bed and I looked over.

"Took you long enough" I whispered

Hanahaki ~ Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now