~ TWENTY-SIX | 26 ~

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"SHIT" I shot up and went to run for my closet only to be yanked back

"Who gives a shit"

"I do, and you know that you do too; so get up" I said, pulling him out of bed

"Fine dumbass" he walked back to his room to get ready

    I ran out of my bedroom door, sprinting down the stairs and tumbling down the last few

"Clutz" I heard Katsuki say before offering me a hand to help me up

"Thanks" I said taking it up, continuing my pursuit to the kitchen for toast

    I quickly made some before leaving the house with Katsuki. We walked to school and arrived almost just on time for Aizawa to enter the class. We quickly sat down and were told what we would be doing today, which was just normal training things.

    I went into the changing room with all of the girls, and soon enough a conversation sparked.

"Soooo Y/N.. you and Bakugou?" Mina asked

"What about us?"

"Are you guys a thing yet"

"Hah, no. We're just friends and I doubt he likes me that way"

"Ah ah ah, he definitely does! He looks at you all the time in class, I don't really understand how because you're behind him but whatever I guess. You guys are always together though! What's up with that"

"Ah, well we're best friends and I just recently moves in with him so yeah" I smiled

"Guys, this can wait until after; if we don't go soon we'll be late" Momo said, ushering us out of the changing room and with the rest of the class.

    We did regular training against out classmates and Ectoplasms' clones for pretty much the entire day, just to work on our moves and to train our quirks more. Eventually, I heard coughing and knew exactly who it was.

    I killed the clone I was fighting and followed the noise to find Katuki on the ground, trying to get it to stop. I picked him up the best I could and struggled to carry him over to Mr. Aizawa, who took him to see recovery girl. 

    I stood outside the room and paced back in forth, I was told that I wouldn't be allowed in yet. He told me that recovery girl said that it would get better over time, but it only seems to be getting worse and I'm getting pretty worried about it.


"That's me" I said turning my attention to recovery girl

"You can see him now"

"Thank you"

    I walked into the room and saw Katsuki laying on the bed, sleeping. I sighed and walked over to him, sitting on the chair that was beside the bed. 

"Hey, wake up. You told me you'd be okay" I grabbed his hand and laughed, trying not to cry

"Y/N, we don't know when he'll wake up but he is unresponsive. If he doesn't wake up in 24 hours he'll be moved to the hospital"


"We don't know if he'll make it, I don't know how much he's told you but apparently he's known for a while. He has a rare disease called Hanahaki disease, it only shows up when you're so in love with someone who doesn't love you back" Aizawa went on explaining the disease

    I recalled every time he had coughed up flowers was after I did something. So that means, the reason he might die, is my fault? I felt tears well in my eyes. Why wouldn't he have just told me? Instead he went through all of this pain, and now he might not make it at all.

    If he would've said something, anything; then the problem would've been fixed by now and he wouldn't be lying on his death bed.

"I'll leave you alone for now" Mr. Aizawa said as he left the room

     I grabbed his hand and brought it toward my face, starting to cry. I squeezed his hand and begged him to wake up, it obviously not doing anything. What would happen if he didn't wake up and I couldn't help him.

    He didn't move, nor show any sign of him waking up soon. I decided that I would stay with him until he woke up, knowing that only I could fix this. 


Hanahaki ~ Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now