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    It was two months later. I haven't left the hospital once, more specifically Katsuki's side. It had been a while that he remained unconscious, his heart rate slowly went down day by day. And x-rays showed that the flower in his chest only kept getting bigger.

    I slept a lot, and didn't talk to many people. Everyone tried to get me to go back to my normal life and leave Katsuki to recover but I couldn't bring myself to leave his side. After it hit the three week mark of me being there, the doctors told me that even though he was unconsious; he was aware of his surroundings and could still hear everything.

   I started talking to him after that, keeping him updated with the world. I wasn't all that updated with it myself if I'm being honest so this was good for the both of us. 

    One day, while I was talking to him about the class I heard shuffling in the hospital bed and my head shot up in his direction.

"Even when I'm unconsious you don't shut up"

    I stared at him for a moment, not believing what I was seeing until I rushed over beside the bed and hit a red button to let the doctors know that they needed to come in here. Soon many doctors rushed into the room and to Katsukis' side, examining his condition before ushering me out of the room.

    I paced back and forth on the opposite side of the door, waiting to be allowed to go back in. Soon, a doctor came out and explained the situation to me. I walked in the room and saw something I didn't think I would ever need to.

    Katsuki was struggling, the doctors hooking him up to even more machines than he had been on before. His heart rate was quickly decreasing and he was falling in and out of consiousness. The doctors slowly left the room, they all had given up on him a long time ago. The only reason that they were still trying was because the Bakugous' continued to pay for his treatment.

    I walked to the chair beside his bed again, my head down. I sat down and looked up at him, he was awake but was losing his life. 

"Hey, dumbass" he said and I looked up at him

"Stop crying, you look ugly"

"Even when you're dying you still manage to be an ass" I laughed and wiped away the tears that were welling in my eyes

"Hey, this might be the last time I see you so I owe you an explanation of whats been going on. I got this stupid ass disease, I assume the doctors already told you about it?"

"Yeah, they did"

"Well then I think you know what's going on and I don't have to explain anything"


"When what dumbass, be specific"

"When did you know, y'know.."

"Remember when that old geezer on the train showed up? On the way back from me ubducting him, he said some things and I got inside my head"

"Why didn't you tell me? Or at least ask for help"

"I don't need your stupid help, and are you kidding? I'm not good for you Y/N, I'm a total ass to you and yet you stay. I don't get why but I do know that there is no way in hell that I deserve you"

    After that sentance, he started coughing again. Flowers shooting out of his mouth as they covered the hospital bed. He was struggling to breathe, I called the doctors who ran in the room and just stared.

"There's no helping him, Y/N. We're sorry" one of the doctors said

"No! There's got to be something you guys can do!"

"The disease can't be healed until he admits his feelings and they are returned, sorry"

    All the doctors left the room and Katsuki was sitting there. Coughing up flowers, completely helpless. 

"Sorry for being an ass" he said between coughs

"I'll see you later, dumbass. Oh, and become the number 1 hero for me alright? I love you" he said between heavy breaths and coughs after lying back down and closing his eyes

    I stood there, staring at a now lifeless body. I watched the screen on one of the machines go flat, meaning that he was gone. 

"Hey, stop joking around" I nudged him a bit

"Wake up"

    I felt his arm, his skin was ice cold and he wasn't moving. I started crying and sat down beside him on the hospital bed, grabbing his lifeless body and holding it in my arms.

"Please Katsuki, you can't leave me too. Please, I'm not ready to be on my own yet; I still need you. Please Katsuki, I love you" I said between sobs

    Suddenly, I heard the machine beep. My eyes shot up in the direction of it as I watched his heartbeat slowly come back. His eyes opened again.

"What did I say about crying?"

    I laughed right before the doctors came in.


   I smiled at him and the doctors before walking out of the room, letting them tend to Katuski. I walked out of the hospital doors, this was the first time I had been out in two months. I went to the store and grabbed food and drinks for Katsuki, I also called the class and his parents letting them know what happened.

    I made it back to the hospital and went back to his room to be met by many familiar faces crowding the bed.


    I silently smiled to myself, everything was back to normal.

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