~ FOURTEEN | 14 ~

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    F/G : Favourite Game




    I woke up to a pounding on the door, before it was pushed open and I was pushed with it.


"I'm not going to school"


"They're not here, Katsuki"




"THEY'RE DEAD, ALRIGHT. Now shut up, I just want to be alone" I said hugging my knees and breaking down again

    He took out his phone and messaged who I'm guessing was his mom, because she drove off right after. He sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I climbed into his lap facing him and hugged him tight as I cried into his shoulder until I fell asleep.

    Soon after, I woke up on my bed; Katsuki sitting at my desk with his head on it asleep. I walked over, and looked over his body and saw flower petals all over the desk.

"What the hell" I said and tried to pick him up, only to have him fall off the chair.

"Dumbass" he said getting up

"You would've hurt your back, I was trying to move you the bed but you're too heavy"

"You calling me fat?"

"No, muscle mass dummy. By the way, where did all the flower petals come from?"

"I don't know, must have blown in through the window somehow"

"I mean, I guess so. But doesn't that seem like a bit of a stretch?"

"Well yea, but it's not like it's impossible"

"I guess" I said laying back down, facing the wall

"You going to be okay?" Katsuki asked, climbing in and hugging me from behind

"Are you trying to comfort me?"

"Is it working?"

"Maybe a little"

"Then what does it matter?"

"I'll be fine.. eventually" I sighed

"Well, what do you plan to do?"

"What do you mean? Life still goes on"

"No like, with the house? And food? It's not like you're going to be bringing in any money of your own unless you plan on getting a job anytime soon"

"Well, I'll wait as long as I can and then when there's absolutely no hope I'll figure it out then"

"I'll help"

"There's nothing to help with"

"No, I mean finding a place for you to go after, idiot"

"It's okay, you don't need to help with anything, Katsuki"

"Let me help" he said pressing his forhead against my back

"Fine" I huffed

"By the way, I emailed Mr. Aizawa and told him we weren't going to be at school today. He already heard about what happened so he was fine with it but we do have to go back tomorrow"

"Okay. Thank you Katsuki"

"Whatever" he said whipping out his phone

"What are you going"

"Ordering food"

"It's not food time though"








When I wrote the 'WAHH' part, I read it in a Mario voice and it K I L L E D me

Anywayyy.. that's all, back to the story 




    We were in the living room watching youtube and eating a whole bunch of random food Katsuki ordered. We were watching old vines and laughing our asses off because of how bad they were.

    After a lot of persuading from Katsuki, I let him stay the night. The main point of it was to make sure I would actually go to school. I pulled a futon out of my closet and gave him the bed since I'm nice like that *sassy hair flip*.

    We got into our spots and went to bed. After it a been about an hour and I still couldn't sleep, I walked out of the room and went to kitchen. I grabbed water and an orange and sat on the counter playing F/G on my phone.

    I saw the hallway light turn on and my head shot in the direction. I saw a very sleepy Katsuki glaring at me.

"Why are you not sleeping?" he said walking over and sitting beside me

"Couldn't sleep"

"Mm" he started slipping off of the counter



"You were literally falling off the counter, go to bed I'll go to bed when I can"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Go to bed"

"Come with me then"


"Let's go" he said getting off the counter and picking me up

"No, Katsuki what the hell?"

"You need sleep. So if I have to trap you in the damn bed I will"


"No. It's sleepy times" he said and I started laughing

"What the hell do you think you're laughing at?"

"You said sleepy times"

"Shup up dumbass"

    He placed me in the bed and climbed on top of me, like he did when we were at his house on the couch. He fell asleep almost immediately so I tried to move off the bed. But he just hugged me tighter and groaned. I huffed and wrapped my arms around him and tried to fall asleep.

Hanahaki ~ Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now