~ SIXTEEN | 16 ~

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    We all started running, shoving everyone out of our way to get through the entrance. We were all crammed when I realized that this was the first obstacle, but apparently Todoroki thought of that before I did. He froze the entrance and almost everyone in it and booked it to the next stage.

A few students followed behind him, where as I temporarily got stuck in his ice. This wasn't a good time to use my full quirk because if I did, then I'd be helping everyone else too. Instead, I sent two small lighting bolts to both sides of each of my feet and was free of the ice.

I started sprinting, trying not to slip as much as possible though it was really difficult. Eventually, I made it out of the ice path only to be met with the zero pointers from the entrance exam. Bakugou was blasting over them, they looked partially frozen; I'm guessing courtesy of Todoroki. Kirishima and a metal guy were crushed under a robot, everything was chaos. 

    I shot lightning bolts out my hands, launching myself into the air and using them to steer as best I could. I never really practiced doing this so this was really hard for me to do, I stumbled a few times which caused me to slow down. 

    After I was past the robots, I continued flying over a canyon looking thing. My hands started to ache and tingle when I was directly above it, meaning I was reaching my cooldown point. I shot a really strong bolt from my palms, shooting myself to the final stage along with the few other people who were already there.

    I can't fly over these, my palms are done for a bit. I could probably make the ground flammable, making it so the bombs wouldn't go off but because I don't know what they're made out of that's probably a really bad idea.

    I started walking through the mine field, slower than I wanted but it was necessary if I wanted to get in the rankings.

"YOU ICY HOT BASTARDDDD" I heard someone yell while flying through the air

    I recognized the voice, so I continued while everyone else stopped to look at who it was; earning me a few crucial seconds to continue. Everyone was still going while Todoroki and Katsuki fought near the end of the field before there was a huge explosion near the back of the obstacle.

    Soon, there was a student flying through the air on a piece of robot. Present Mic called out on the speakers and announced that it was Midoriya. The three continued to fight for first place before Midoriya ended up winning. 

    I ran through the finish line and hunched over, placing my hands on my knees. I came in 12th place. And while it wasn't the ranking I was hoping for, it wasn't too far off considering the amount of students I was up against.

    I waited for the next obstacle to be announced, and it ended up being a cavalry battle. Midnight once again explained all of the rules and gave us 15 minutes to come up with and pick a team.

    In the end, I ended up teaming with Shinso, Ojiro and Aoyama. Shinso was he rider, while I was the front horse with both the other boys on either side. We all took positions and got set up, then; we were sent off. 

    I was awoken back into reality and Midnight announced that the battle was over.

"Wait what, we didn't do anything though" I looking at the three of them

"Oh, that was just my quirk. Sorry" Shinso said walking away

"Okay I guess"

    We were all called over to the center again and the scoreboard showed up. It was team Todoroki in first, then team Bakugou, and then my group. Those were the top three. I still don't really understand what had happened but we got third place so it wasn't really something to complain about.

    Then, there was the final battle. Which was a 1 v 1 battle. The fights would be chosen at random by a generator and put into a bracket. Not long after, the bracket was displayed.




She's going to take Shiozaki's (vine hair girl's) place in the bracket, I love her so much and I feel kind of bad for subbing her out but for the story line; she's irrelivant.




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