~ FOUR | 4 ~

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    I woke up to a loud beeping coming from my phone. I groaned and looked over at my clock and realized that it was morning. I went to shut my alarm off but felt paper on it, which I pulled off and held in front of my face to read it.

Hey dumbass. You fell asleep while I was making you food, it's in the fridge by the way. Anyway I set your alarm for the morning, a little late. Be glad I didn't wake you up, by the way; you're heavy as fuck. Text me when you wake up and the old hag will come grab you since if you try to make it yourself you'll be late. Wake up and get ready fuck stick.


I rolled my eyes but smiled slightly as I threw the note on my desk and finally shut my alarm off. I opened my phone and texted Bakugou.


I'm awake


K.. I'll tell the old hag


She's on her way


Oh wtf okay

    I quickly scrambled to get ready for school as Mitsuki, Bakugou's mom; was on her way to pick me up. I quickly threw on my uniform and ran downstairs, grabbing my bag and darting out the door; almost forgetting my shoes. 

    I made it outside just in time for Mitsuki to honk her horn at me, but then I heard her yelling at Bakugou and realized that he was the one who honked. I waved and he rolled his window down.


"OH HUSH YOU DAMN BRAT, THAT'S NO WAY TO SPEAK TO YOUR FRIEND!" Mitsuki yelled as she hit her son atop of his head


    I walked towards the car and jumped in the backseat before Mitsuki sped off towards the school. I sat down quietly smiling to myself as I watched them bicker. I had gotten quite used to how they talked to each other so it didn't really bother me anymore.

    Eventually we made it to the school and the day started. It was a fairly normal day until we were told that we'd be training with All Might. Almost on cue, All Might showed up at the door.

"I AM HERE!" he exclaimed as all the students sat there in shock

    Soon we were escorted to a training ground, and brought to one of the buildings. All Might started explaining what we would be doing, it would be an indoor training session where we would be teamed up with a partner at random and given the role of either hero or villain. He gave all the extra details before he started drawing names.

    Up first was Bakugou and Iida as villains, and Midoriya and Ururaka as heroes. We all went to a room and watched them do the training of multiple screens. Soon it was my turn, I was partnered with Ojiro as villains and we were against Todoroki and Shoji; who were the heroes. Although, Todoroki effortlessly ended the battle quickly before I could even react; he froze the entire building, winning for Shoji and Himself. 

    Once all the fights were over, we were told to go change and meet back in the class for an announcement. Once we were all there, Mr. Aizawa told us that we would be heading to the USJ the next day to work on rescue training with pro hero, Thirteen.

    After that, we were dismissed and they day went on almost the same as it had been yesterday. Bakugou and I walked home together, he came to visit in the afternoon and pretty much force fed me since I told him that I wasn't hungry. He then went home and I went to bed.

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