~ SEVEN | 7 ~

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    I walked inside my house and layed down on my couch, whatever was going on was getting worse. I had a massive migraine and by entire body ached slightly. I stood back up and grabbed some water from my kitchen before laying back down.

    I downed the whole water bottle and decided to chill for a bit, hoping that if I stopped moving for a bit that maybe whatever was going on would come to a stop. This was clearly this guys quirk at work, but because I don't know who he is I wont be able to find any details on how to make it stop or how long it will last.

    It's been a whole hour and it's only gotten worse. I can barely move now, and my visions gone blurry; my stomach feels like it's ready to rip itself apart. And it's not like I can call anyone, my phone is dead and I can't walk up the stairs to grab a charger; no way.

    I decided that my best bet was to walk to Bakugou's place, but as soon as I stood up there was no way I was walking all the way there; even though it wasn't very far. I pulled my electric skateboard out of a closet in the hallway and started leaving. Before I knew it, I was at Bakugou's doorstep.

    I knocked on the door and was soon greeted by Mitsuki, who pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I groaned out in pain and she let go of me.

"Oh my gosh, are you alright" she asked and I hummed in response

"Come on, sit down" she said moving out of the doorway

    I took two steps before my legs gave out from the pain and I started falling to the ground, before Mitsuki caught me and carried me over to the couch where she gently laid me down.





    Soon Bakugou came down with a basket full of medicines and saw me on the couch. I saw concern in his eyes for a split second until he pushed it away and brought everything over.

"The hell happened to you?" I tried to speak, but my throat wouldn't let me and I only made a sound back

"It was that old geezer on the bus wasn't it? WHEN I SEE HIM AGAIN.. I'LL TEAR HIM TO SHREADS!" I only looked at him, not having enough strength to smile which made him more concerned 

"I'll go make food, Katsuki give her these" Mitsuki said getting up and Bakugou sighed and took her spot

"Say ah" he said, opening his mouth

    I wanted to laugh at his gesture, he looked funny. But I didn't have enough strength to. Instead, I sat up groaning in pain and opened my mouth as much as I could. He then put the spoon in my mouth and I ate the medicine. This went on a few times as there was a few things Mitsuki figured I should take.

    Bakugou then touched my back, trying to help me lay down instead of just having me flopping down; but where he touched my skin felt like it caught on fire. I jolted back up and balled my fists up, wincing. This was new, about every 20 minutes I ended up having something new happen to my condition; but this was by far the worse.

"What the hell" 

     Bakugou touched my arm and I quickly pulled it away from him, grabbing it tightly; which only made it hurt more. I held it out in front of me, trying to get the burning to stop somehow as I started tearing up. His mom then came over and put her hand on my head, in the same spot the man had touched to activate his quirk.

    I looked at Katsuki confused as she sat there with her hand on the back of my head.

"Old hag, take your hand off I want to see something"

"What no, I'm comforting her dumbass"

"JUST TRUST ME WILL YA" he yelled before lightly pushing her out of the way

    He then put his hand on the back of my head, and it didn't hurt


"Th-" I tried speaking

"What dear? Take your time" his mom spoke up

"That's where he touched me to activate his quirk" I eventually quietly mumbled out, but enough that they could understand

"What does that have to do with anything?" Mitsuki asked before Bakugou grabbed the back of my neck 

    He accidently left his hand there and I screamed out in pain, which shocked the both of them.

"Shit sorry, I should've just told her"

"Told me what"

"Actually I'm not 100% sure what it is" he said before looking at me

"It burns, on the inside" I said the best I could

"I'll go find that old asshole" Bakugou said before leaving

"YOU CAN'T JUST-" Mitsuki was cut off mid-sentance as Bakugou slammed the door closed

    I layed back down and waited for whatever he planned on doing.

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