~ SIX | 6 ~

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    F/IC : Favourite Ice Cream




     Aoyama and I walked around the downpour area for what seemed like forever until we had finally found the exit, we quickly ran out and saw All Might fighting a big monster looking dude. He was moving at an insane speed, I couldn't even see his arms as they were blurry from him moving too fast.

"Maybe we should just stay here for now" I said 

"Yeah" Aoyama nodded

    So we did just that. We stood there and watched the horrifying scene, not wanting to get noticed by more villains or get in the heroes way. We watched as All Might gave the finishing blow to the creature as he flew out the roof of the USJ. 

    Not long after, the other Pro's started showing up and helping out. Although, the two main guys got away; they arrested many small time criminals and that really helped the streets so everyone still considered it a win. Also almost everyone was completely fine and uninjured, except Midoriya whose quirk seems to break his bones like they're twigs all the damn time.

    We all stood outside the USJ talking a bit with the police about what had gone all to each of us while we were there. After the police were done, we were all dismissed to go home after getting our materials from the school. We were also told that we would be getting the next day off. Which was convenient since it was Friday.




I know in the show it's actually a Wednesday that they go to the USJ but for plot purposes it's a Friday, okay? Okay. Back to the story!




    I made my way into the school and back to the classroom to gather my things. Bakugou walked into the room and I got a great idea.

"Hey Bakugou!" I said waving and walking over to him

"What do you want?" he asked glaring at me

"Wow, you don't need to be so hostile damn. A new ice cream shop opened downtown and wanted to know if you wanted to come, especially after everything that happened today" 

"Not interested"

"Oh come on, don't be a jackass. My treat" 

"Fine, but only because I know you'll keep bugging me" he said slinging his bag over his shoulder

"Yes!" I said pumping my fists in the air before walking behind him

"I don't know the directions dumbass"

"Oh right" I moved to his side and we started walking

"How much farther is it? We should've just taken the damn bus!" 

"I'm sorryyyy, it's further than I should it'd be but we're almost there!"

    Not too long after, we arrived at our destination. I stopped in front of the store while looking at all the decorations until Bakugou pushed me a bit

"Are we gonna go in? Or do you just plan on standing there like a dumbass" he said walking in front of me and in the shop

    I huffed but walked in after him. The people in line had just got what they ordered so conveniently, we were next. We walked up and ordered what we wanted, Bakugou got mint chip while I got F/IC. We then walked outside the shop and sat at one of the coloured picnic benches and ate in quiet.

"Hey, let's take the bus home yeah?" I asked, throwing out the wrapper that was around my cone

"Yeah that makes sense instead of walKING FUCKING 40 MINUTES"

"Actually it was 32 but okay drama queen"


"Come on let's go"

"DON'T WALK IN FRONT OF ME" he yelled quickly catching up so it was just in front of me

    When he's super annoyed or angry he walks really funny, kind of like he's wearing a pad for the first time and I find it absolutely hilarious, so sometimes I piss him off on purpose.

    After a little bit, we made it to the station and hopped on a bus. We both stood away from each other a bit, I'm not too sure why but I always did this when I was on a train with someone unless it was my mother. Soon, I felt a hand brush on my ass. I ignored it because I thought it was an accident until I felt someone grab it and I turned around to be faced with a middle age man.

"Someone as sweet as you shouldn't be alone, what if something bad happens. How about this, you can come with me" he suggested

"No. I'll be fine on my own, bye" I said trying to turn around, only to be grabbed by the wrist and whipped back around

"Come with me" he said putting his hand under my chin and making me look at him

"This is my stop" I said leaving

    Before I could leave, he pressed his hand against the back of my head before I pushed his hand off.

"You'll regret this later" he mumbled 

    Bakugou and I got off and split up, going to our houses. The place the man touched has been tingling ever since I got off the bus, but I chose to ignore it as I was probably just paranoid.

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