~ NINETEEN | 19 ~

181 5 0

F/S : Favourite song




~ Bakugou's POV ~

    I was in a dark room, strapped to a chair. Suddenly, a light turned on. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw myself and Y/N. She was standing in front of me, standing silently crying while I screamed in her face.

    I raised my arms and I watched her flinch. She ran away and my other self looked in my direction. He started walking over, as I stared emotionless.  He grabbed me by the throat and whispered in my ear.

"See that? You hurt her. You hurt the person you love. There's no hope for you"

    I shot up from the bed, trying to breath. I noticed immediately what was happening and started walking to the bathroom, trying to hold in my coughs until I got there. My vision started getting blurry as I fumbled with the door knob. 

    I gripped the sink and started coughing, trying to get the flower out of my throat. I heard the door handle, but couldn't stop my coughing to hear what the person was saying or to answer them. Eventually, I heard someone pick the lock.

"Hey brat, are you okay?"

    I couldn't answer, I simply glared at her and continued coughing. She came over and started rubbing circles on my back with the palm of her hand. I coughed all of the flowers out of my lungs before letting them fly out of the window like I always do. 

    I looked at my mom before trying to push past her. She grabbed my wrist and whipped me around.

"sit" she said as she closed the lid of the toilet so I could sit down on it


"Don't talk, just sit down" 

    I sat down and she started running a bath.

"Hag, you don't need to do any of that. I don't need your help"

"Shut up Katsuki. You're going to get in this bath and relax for a bit" she said shutting the water off


    She left and I got in the bath. Letting the warm water cover my body as my brain went somewhere else. I zoned out and accidentally stayed in there for a while before getting out and going back to the bedroom.

    I looked at my clock at noticed that it was around 4 am. I sighed and went to my closet for a change of clothes. I walked out and got back into bed, scrolling through my phone before I accidentally fell asleep.

~ Y/N's POV ~

    I woke up and looked over at Katsuki. His phone was flat on his face and I stifled a laugh, knowing that he must have dropped it last night when he was doing something. I got up and went downstairs. I noticed a car in the driveway so that must've meant that Katsuki's parents were finally home. 

    I turned on the tv and scrolled through the channels before finding one that plays music. I put it on and walked into the kitchen, pulling out their toaster after searching for it for a good 10 minutes.

    I made myself toast and sat down on the couch, scrolling through my phone and listening to the music. Soon, F/S came on and I quite literally threw my phone across the room. I stood up, still holding my toast and started dancing around the bottom floor; humming to the song and taking a bite of toast every now and then.

    I was dancing before I heard a laugh behind me. I whipped around to be met with Katuski

"Hey" he said and I started choking on my toast

"Hi" I said when I regained my composure 

"What are you doing"

"Sorry, I like this song"

"You don't need to apologize, dumbass"

    The song changed to T.N.T by ACDC and Katsuki's heard perked up towards the TV. He started lip syncing the words, trying to hide the face that he was before I ran into the living room and pushed the coffee table to the side of the room.

"The hell are you doing?"

    I ran over to him without answering and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the middle of the room. I started dancing to the song, trying to guess the words because I've never actually heard this song before; making him laugh a bit. 

    I looked over at him and noticed that he was just standing there, arms crossed. I stopped what I was doing and glared at him.

"What?" he asked and I gestured to the empty space in the room

"I don't dance"

"Sure you do"

    I grabbed both of his hands and pulled him out into the center. I moved my arms around, dragging his along with mine as he stared at me.

"C'monnnnn don't be an ass. Are you just scared that I can dance better than you?"

"Ohhhh. You're on"

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