~ TWENTY-FIVE | 25 ~

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     I was sitting on the chair beside my bed, watching him slowly try to sit up before grabbing his head.

"Take it easy, you just woke up from being past out for 3 hours"

"3 HOURS?!" he yelled and winced at the pain

"I said take it easy"

"Whatever dumbass"

    He layed back down and stared at the ceiling for a bit before I spoke up.

"Oh yeah, here" I handed him the tylenol and water I had brought and he took it

"So, do you want to tell me what's actually going on with these flowers yet?"

"I can't"

"You can't? Or you won't"

"I won't. I already talked to recovery girl, she said it'll go away in time" he said

"Okay I guess, as long as you'll be okay" I sighed and turned back to my phone while he layed there.

"Hey, tomorrow's school right?" I asked

"Yeah, it is. What about it?"

"Oh nothing really, I was just thinking that we get to see everyone again; it feels like it's been awhile"

"I couldn't care less about those extras"

"Awww, is the little baby jealous?" I teased after seeing him pout

"I'm not jealous and I'm not a baby"

"Not yelling?"

"You're the one who told me not to, idiot"

"Oh yeah, right" I laughed a bit and came to sit down beside him

    I turned the show we had been watching and sat there quietly, trying my best to not bug Katsuki while he recovers while also being there for him.

"Where are you going?" I asked, watching him slowly get up

"Do you need to know every little detail about my life?"

"Yes, yes I do"

"Well if you must know, I need to piss your Highness. Fuck off" he locked the door to my bathroom after walking inside

"Okay then"

"SHIT!" I heard from the bathroom a little while later

"Everything okay?"

"FUCK OFF!" he came out of the bathroom gripping his hand

"What'd you do now?" I asked, blocking the door to my room so he couldn't leave

"I didn't do anything"

"Yeah, uh-uh. And what's the truth?"


    I got impatient and grabbed his hand from his grasp, examining it and seeing that there was a pretty deep cut. I looked at him.

"I couldn't figure out how to use your soap thing" I laughed a bit


"Jeez sorry, I didn't know the big bad hero Katsuki couldn't work soap"

    I brought him into the bathroom as he was mumbling swear words to himself. He sat on the counter and I bandaged his hand, it was deep yes but it didn't look deep enough to need stitches.


"I didn't need your help"

"And yet here we are"


"Stop yelling" I put my hand over his mouth as he looked at me in pure rage.

    I got an idea and decided to go for it. I grabbed his injured hand and kissed it, his face instantly went red and he coughed a little bit.


"Whenever I got hurt, my mom would also kiss it better and it worked. So, sorry if it was stupid but I just thought.. y'know-"

"Dumbass it's fine. Thanks I guess" he rolled his eyes and hopped off of the counter, going back to the bed

"What are you doing now?"

"Why do you need every little detail on my life exactly?"

"Because I'm clingy. Now what are you doing?"

"ughhh you're so annoying. We were watching a show, weren't we?"

"Ah yes!" I said walking over to the bed and jumping on it

"Why the hell is your bed so bouncy?" he asked, punching it

"Cause it's entertaining" I said, unpausing the show

    We sat in silence and watched many episodes, almost finishing the entire show before I realized that he had fallen asleep. I went to the kitchen and grabbed us both food, just heating up left overs from another dinner.

    I walked back into my room and Katsuki sprawled out on my bed, hugging a pillow. I laughed and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. I felt bad for waking him up but he had to eat something.

"Hey, Katsuki"


"I have food"


    He got up slowly and rubbed his eyes, he looked so calm when he first woke up. I handed him a plate and we ate in silence. He put his plate on my desk when he was done and went right back to sleep. He really was a simple creature.

    I finished and brought the dishes downstairs, quickly washing them and putting them away. I walked back upstairs and sat down on my bed, putting on a random movie. Soon, Katsuki draped his arm around my waist.


"Sleep dumbass" he said in a raspy voice

    My face turned red and I stared at him for a moment before he opened one of his eyes.

"Something wrong?"

"Don't talk"

"Why are you always telling me not to talk when I first wake up?"

"Uh- I um.. wait. What did you say?"

"Oh my gosh. I asked why do you tell me not to talk when I wake up all the time"

"Oh, no reason"

"Tell me"

"AAAAAA" I mentally screamed

"Well um.. nevermind"

"You heard me"

"You're voice is attractive, alright?" I pulled the blanket over my head and heard him burst into laughter

"I'm not sorry. Anyway, let's sleep dumbass" 

Hanahaki ~ Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now