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    Later that evening, Mitsuki and Masaru showed up with plently moving boxes. That morning I had sorted out what I would be keeping and what I would be selling, Katsuki helped but got angry at me a lot which was no surprise.

    It was now late at night. All the things I was keeping were now packed up while there we people building me a room at the Bakugou's. I had posted all of the things I was selling on the market and most of it had already sold, only the small stuff being left behind.

    I grabbed the last box and turned around when I reached the door. I sighed and looked around the once full house. I slipped the key in the mailbox after locking the door. I walked to the truck we were using to haul the boxes and loaded it on before shutting the door. 

    I hit the back of it, signaling that it could move now and it took off. I hopped into the car with Mistsuki and Katsuki as we took off toward their house. I silently looked out the window, getting the last glimpse of my house as we took off. 

    We made it to their house and the construction people were just leaving. We walked inside and found my new room, not being aware of how much the Bakugou's had just spent on you.




You can imagine this room however you would like, but keep in mind it's on the second floor, has a big bathroom and walk in closet as well as a balcony because y'know.. the Bakugou's are like rich lol




"Woah" I said walking in, doing a slight spin; taking in the massive space

"Welcome to your new home sweetheart" Masaru hugged me while Katsuki and Mitsuki were arguing about who knows what downstairs

"Thank you so much, and tell Mitsuki I said thank you as well" 

"Well, you must be tired. I say, we set up your bed now so you can rest and we can unpack everything in the morning"

"Sounds good to me" I smiled, pulling the frame from the wall

    I sighed, wiping sweat off of my forehead; looking at my now complete bed. I smiled at Masaru as he left to sleep, and decided to sleep myself. I layed on my bed and fell asleep after a little bit of scrolling through my phone.

    I woke up the morning, peacefully. I smiled, though groaned as I flipped over and the sun was in my face. I really need to put curtains up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Where-?" I asked looking around a bit

    I walked out of the room and the place looked familiar. It wasn't until I reached the door with the 'do not enter' sign that I knew where I was and recalled the events of yesterday.

"Right" I said walking back to my room.

     I took a shower, but remained in PJ's after remembering that my clothes were in a box that was somewhere in the room. I started unpacking, I pushed dressers and desks around until they were where I wanted them and slowly unpacking the contents in the boxes.

    I started unpacking in in the bathroom, there wasn't too much to actually do but I figured I might as well get it done because it's not like I could just leave it. One I was finished, I turned around and looked at the work I had done; giving an approving nod to myself.

    I started in my closet next, unpacking all of the clothes and sorting most of them in drawers while hanging up what needed to be hung up. I then finished the main room, setting everything up and plugging everything in.

    I felt exhausted, so I flopped back down on my bed and ended up unintentionally falling asleep.

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