~ NINE | 9 ~

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        I woke up the next morning still wrapped up in Bakugou's arms. I was really confused until I remembered what happened last night. Bakugou wasn't very good at comforting people, but I guess him behind tired helped. 

    I tried to get out of his grasp but him being asleep made him unaware that it was me so he hugged me harder. I huffed a bit and crossed my arms as much as I could with his arms in the way and layed there, glaring at the ceiling fan. 

    Suddenly, I heard Bakugou chuckle a bit as I looked over to him; catching him staring at me.

"You look stupid" he said in a raspy voice, causing me to have a mini panic attack in my head

"G-good morning to you too" I rolled my eyes

"Why'd you studder"

"Stop talking"


"Just don't talk for a bit"

"Make me"

"You- I- I need to go to the bathroom" I said and tried to get out of his grip

"Stay for a bit dumbass" he said, pulling me even closer and nuzzling his neck into my shoulder

"You are like a whole different person when you're sleepy"

"Tell anyone and I'll kill you"

"That sounds more like you"


    Soon, I heard soft snores coming from Bakugou; I looked over and saw him asleep on my shoulder with a little bit of drool coming from his mouth. I smiled. 'he's cute. Wait what? No he's my hot head best friend, stupid brain stop' I thought, trying to shake the thoughts from my head which eventually worked.

    I reached for my phone on the nightstand but accidentally woke Bakugou up. He grabbed my arm and pinned it at my side.

"Dumbass, quit moving"

"I literally need to pee so bad please let me out, I'll come back if you really want me to"

"Fine" he said letting me go

    I shot up and started sprinting to the bathroom. I quickly did everything I had to do and made my way back to his room, I saw him sitting up.

"You awake now?"

"Sit down"

"Uhhh.. okay?"

    I walked over to the bed and sat down. He handed me my phone and the TV remote before laying his head in my lap.


"Just shut up and let me lay here for a bit"

"Is everything alright? Even if you act different when your tried this is more than usual"

"I'm just tired" he said, there was clearly something else bothering him but I didn't want to push him

"Okay" I said as I put my hand in his hair

"The hell are you doing?"

"Playing with your hair?

"Whatever" he said closing his eyes and slowly falling back asleep.

Hanahaki ~ Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now