~ TWELVE | 12 ~

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~Y/N's POV~

    I woke up on Katsuki's bed but with no Katsuki anywhere to be found. I looked all over the house but couldn't find him anywhere.


Where you at?

Kit- Katsuki

Went for a walk. Be back in a minute

    I sighed and sat on the couch waiting for him. When I heard the door open almost as soon as I sat down. I didn't really want to stand back up, but I was worried for my friend so I did what I had to do. I rushed to his side and put my hand on his face.

"Katsuki, are you okay?" I asked and he went red

"I'm just fine dumbass" 

"You sure? You know I'd do anything for you right?" 

"Lay down"


"Go lay down"

"Um, okay?" I hesitated before walking over to the couch and laying down

"Now what?" I asked

    He silently climbed on top of me.. hugging my body and laying there with his head on my chest. I didn't want to pry at whatever was wrong, he'd tell me when he was ready. So instead I layed there silently playing with his hair.

"Where'd you go anyway"

"Just for a walk"

~ Bakugou's POV ~

     I walked into Recovery girl's office and sat on one of the beds, waiting for her to get back.

"Oh. Hello there Bakugou, what are you doing here? Did I get my days mixed up again?"

"No, I just want to get healed up" 

"What for? You don't look injured"

"I keep coughing up flower petals"

"Oh my, here lay down; I'll see what I can do"

    I layed down on the bad and she started healing me, after a few minutes; she stopped and shook her head.

"Bakugou, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for you"

"Why, what the matter"

"Well, I've done studies on this disease but I've never been able to cure a person of it; only the person themselves have the ability to fix it"

"Get to the point"

"I'm afraid.. you have Hanahaki Disease. It's a rare-"

"Yeah I know all the details, I did a bunch of research on it"

"Wow, you're ahead of the game. Now then, I suggest you tell whoever the person is how you feel about them; though it's a 50/50 chance you'll recover. If they decline, it'll only get worse. Although if they accept, it will go away on it's own in a matter of seconds"


"Best of luck, Bakugou"

    There's no way I'm going to tell her, I don't deserve her after all the shit I've done.

~ Y/N's POV ~

    We silently layed there until I felt his breathing pattern go steady and I started hearing soft snores. I laughed quietly to myself before moving my hand to his back, making small circles with my thumb; causing him to hug onto my tighter.

    I grunted a bit since his grip on me was kind of extreme but eventually got past it. I quietly hummed until I couldn't hold my eyelids open anymore and drifted off into sleep.

    I was woken up to a flash, I slowly opened my eyes to see Katsuki's mom and dad staring at us smiling. I quietly hushed them as they took more pictures until Katsuki slightly shifted, to which we all froze.

    I looked down towards his face, which was now facing me as he slowly opened only one of his eyes.

"Hey Dumbass" he said chuckling a bit

    His mother and father gushed at this, which quickly caught his attention. His face turned red and he started yelling. When he got louder and louder I started flinching a bit, not because I was scared but because he was really loud. When he felt me flinch, he turned his attention to me and put his hand on my head.

"I wont hurt you, idiot" 

Hanahaki ~ Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now