~ EIGHTEEN | 18 ~

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    We walked into his house but no one was home.

"Where's people"

"It's a weekday, they still have work"

"Oh yeah"

    We made snacks and sat on his bedroom floor, playing Mario Kart once again. I tried so hard to beat him every time we hung out but I've never had any luck, and today was no different.

"Ughhhh, WHY CAN'T I BEAT YOU?!"

"heh, you just suck"

"Yeah, whatever"

"Why is it so freaking cold in your room?"

"So I don't sweat a ton?"

"Isn't it good if you sweat a ton, y'know for your quirk?"

"Not at home dumbass"

"I guess"

"Whatever, you can go look through my closet and grab a long-sleeve or whatever"


    I ran into his closet and snooped through his stuff until I found the drawer with all of his hoodies.

"Bingo" I whispered and grabbed one

    I walked out and saw Katsuki still sitting down, setting up another round.

"What took so lo-" he stopped talking mid sentence

    I giggled a bit and hopped up and down, doing a little twirl with my arms out showcasing how big the hoodie was on me. Katsuki started coughing and I rushed over to his side. He tried to push me away, but I held onto his arm tight.

"Let me help" he looked at me but obviously couldn't say anything

    I took that as a yes and helped him up. I draped his arm around my shoulder and helped him walk to the bathroom where his coughing fit continued. 

~ Bakugou's POV ~

    How could I ever tell her my feelings? She's just beyond perfect and I'm a total ass. I only call her degrading nicknames and every time I try to stop myself I cant. She's such a caring person, and I'm the complete opposite. 

    There's no way I could tell her, but I don't know what excuses I have left. No, I'll figure something out.

~ Y/N's POV ~

"It's okay, you're gonna be okay" I said, rubbing circles on his back while he continued to cough.

    Soon, he bent over the sink and a whole flower came out of his mouth; followed by a few petals.

"Katsuki i-"

"Don't say anything"

    I looked down at the sink and watched him pick up the mess and throw it out of the window.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine"

"You've been saying that forever now. Are you s-"

"I SAID I'LL BE FINE" he yelled slamming his hand against the sink

    I walked out of the bathroom and gave him some space. Whenever he feels vulnerable he gets super defensive and usually just needs time to cool off. I walked to his room and sat on his bed, thinking about the few times I've seen those same petals around him.  

    I waited for what seemed like forever until a very tired Katsuki walked in the room.

"You were crying?" I noticed his eyes were red and puffy, his nose was also red and he was lightly sniffling

"Shut up"

    I stood up and walked over to him. I wrapped him in a hug and he just stood there.

"Let go"


"I said let go"

"I'm not letting go"

"Fine, whatever; it's not like I like this or anything"

"Sure sure" 

    He flopped us both on the bed and we layed there in silence. 

"What do you want for supper?" I asked him


"What do you want to eat"

"You can't cook shit, dumbass"

"Oh, right. Forgot about that"

    We sat in the living room and ate dinner, we ended up just ordering pizza. We ordered two because Katsuki likes spicy foods. Don't get me wrong, I do really like spicy foods; just Katsuki's spice tolerance is on a whole nother level.

"I'm tired" I yawned

"Then go to sleep"

"I need you off of the couch so I can sleep"


"I need you off of the couch so I can sleep on it"



"No" he said picking me up

"The hell are you doing?"

"You're sleeping in my bed stupid"

"Oh uh.. okay I guess" I must've looked like a tomato but luckily the darkness hid it and he didn't say anything. 

    He layed me down on the bed and layed the other side. Eventually, sleep consumed me and my eyelids fell shut.

Hanahaki ~ Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now