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F/N : First Name

H/T : Home Town




"Hello, my name is L/N F/N. But you can call me F/N. I'm from H/T and I can't wait to get to know you all!" I said looking at all the students from the front of the room who welcomed me with warm smiles.


    That was three years ago, I was a transferring to Aldera Junior high from H/T. I had moved just in time to join when everyone was moving up a level in their school life. During that time, I built up a few solid friendships that all faded towards the end of my junior high experience. They all found out that I wanted to attend UA and thought I was crazy, so they disassociated themselves from me. 

    Except Katsuki Bakugou, he had become my friend near the beginning of my transfer. He was more my rival than a friend but I still called him my friend more than I did a rival. He was the only one who continued to talk to me after everyone had found out my goal, because he wanted to attend UA too.. which was no surprise honestly. 

    aNywAYyYYYy.. I made it into UA, along with Bakugou and another kid named Midoriya. In the entrance exam, I only passed by a hair; but I still passed so it's a win. 

    It was the first day of school, I woke up extra early to make sure everything was ready. I packed all my things and changed into my uniform, I quickly looked at myself in the mirror before realizing that I had forgot my headband. I grabbed my white head band out of my bathroom and quickly put it into my hair, running down the stairs and almost falling. 

    I opened the fridge and took out leftovers that we had from the day before when we had breakfast for dinner. I set it all out on a plate and heated it up, getting ready to eat it.

    I looked at my watch and my eyes widened as I realized I had to leave, I made a sandwich out of my breakfast and ate it as I walked to the school. I got to the school and walked through the halls, following the directions I was sent before school started. Eventually, through struggle and a lot of asking for help; I found the class. I walked in and saw only a few people, I must have walked faster than I thought I did. 

    I found my seat and sat down, pulling out a sketchbook. I was sitting at the back  of the class beside the window and.. no one? There was an an extra row of desks at the back of the class and I was the only one in it. I work better alone anyway so it didn't make much of a difference. 

    Bakugou eventually walked into the class and I smiled at him and sent him a little wave. He kept on his signature angry look and it kind of sounded like he growled at me. I laughed a little and went back to what I was drawing, zoning out. 



"Y/N!" The teacher yelled and snapped me out of my little world

"Sorry" I said quietly, looking back down and closing my book

"Okay, now that we're back. We're going to be having a quirk exam" He explained, there was a little talking in the class.

"Quiet. Go change and meet me outside" he said and we were all dismissed to do so

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