~ FIVE | 5 ~

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    I woke up the next morning to my alarm.. which was earlier than it was the last day so Mitsuki didn't have to pick me up. I was hungry but didn't want to stop on my way to school, so I heated up some extra food I had that Bakugou and I ordered last night.

    Once I was finished, I opened the door; walking out and beginning to make my way to the school. I was a big fan of Thirteen, so I had a feeling that today would be a good day. I eventually zoned out and realized I was at the school. I walked in and made my way to the class, where I simply sat down at my seat and waited for class to start.

    Mr. Aizawa had already been at the front of the class when everyone got there, so all he did was unzip his sleeping bag and crawl out of it and began class. He escorted all of us out of the building and to the bus, where Iida tried to have everyone load onto it nicely, which didn't work out very well.

    We got there and walked inside the dome shaped building, where we were greeted by Thirteen; who started explaining what we were doing today. She explained exactly what we were going to be doing, until we were RUDELY interrupted by a group of villains coming from a weird purple portal thing.

    We all figured that this was simply apart of the training, so we all got ready to spring into action until Mr. Aizawa told us to stay back and they both explained to us that this was not planned and that this was a very real villain encounter.

    Mr. Aizawa ran down the stairs and immediately started attack the villains, kicking their asses. Thirteen told us to stay back when the purple portal thing appeared right in front of us in the shape of a person, and started monologuing about something that I wasn't really paying attention to. 

    I was snapped out of my train of thoughts by Bakugou and Kirishima jumping at the villain and sending an attack its way, which did absolutely nothing at all. They came back to the group with the rest of us before the man who said his name was Kurogiri got mad and wrapped us all in the mist stuff.

    Everything went dark for a second before I started falling from the sky in the downpour area of the USJ along with Aoyama. Right away, we were surrounded by villains who hesitated but still managed to be intimidating. Once I noticed that they hesitated, I realized that they probably don't know what our quirks are. 

"Hey Aoyama" I looked at him


"Use your lazer to get yourself on that building, I have a plan" 

"Okay" he said and started charging his lazer, shooting himself on top of a tall building

    While the villains were distracted, I changed as much of the ground as I could and held my hand against it; shooting out a super small lightning bolt from my palm. The ground then caught on fire and quickly spread to all the area I had changed until there was a strong yellow glow.

    The villains screams were very audible as they tried to escape my fire, some jumped which put out some areas. Eventually they managed to escape, some ended up passing out by inhaling too much smoke but everyone was pretty injured and leaning against a wall.

    I started walking through the flames, kicking myself a path to walk through as I slowly started making more of the ground flammable. I smirked at all the villains who had their attention on me before bending down and setting the ground on fire once again, so the fire would spread even quicker and the villains wouldn't have time to catch up with the attack.

    Once they were all severely burnt and most of them were passed out I stopped, waiting to see if there were more villains possibly coming this way; but I didn't see or hear anyone.

"AOYAMA" I yelled and he came down and landed in front of me

"Are they all done?"

"Yea, they're severely burnt and wont be getting up for a while; proper help should be here by then"

"Alright then" he said as I changed the ground back

"Now we wait" I said as we went walking around, trying to find the exit

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