~ TWENTY | 20 ~

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    F/D : Favourite drink




    We continued dancing for the next 20 minutes. At one point is parents came down and started filming us, so I turned him so his back would be facing them so he didn't notice that they were there. 

    Eventually, we got tired and decided to just watch TV for a bit. I made surprise plans with him, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Mina and I today. So I would have to make an excuse to get him out of the house so we could meet up with them at the coffee shop.

"Let's go" I said grabbing Katsuki's arm, unable to come up with an excuse


"I just did"

"WHAT DID YOU SAAAYYYYY" he yelled, popping explosions out of his hand

     I continued to drag him out of the house, not feeling threatened by him. 

"DON'T IGNORE ME" I ignored him

"I said don't ignore me" he said grabbed my face

    I shut my eyes and continued to ignore him.

"UGGHHH YOU'RE SUCH A DUMBASS" he yelled throwing a tantrum

"Stop being a baby, we're going somewhere; it's a surprise"

"NOW YOU TALK!? AND I'M NOT A BABY" he huffed and started walking funny again 

    I stiffled a giggle, but he still heard it and whipped his head around glaring at me.

"Where are we going?"

"I told you, it's a surprise" I said, holding my finger over my mouth; I had picked up the habit from Mina


"Noppee" I started whistling and skipping towards the location

"DUMBASS, GET BACK HERE!" He ran catching up with me

    We walked for a while, finally making it to the coffee shop.

"No" he said when he saw the group through the large window

"Yes" I drug him inside and to the table where everyone was

    We ordered and soon after, our drinks came. I ordered F/D and Katsuki ordered a black coffee. We drank and made conversation.

"Hey, where do we all want to go? I know we never actually figured that out" I laughed, scratching the back of my neck


"Stop yelling, Bakugou. We're in a shop" Mina said, hushing him


"I Know! How about we go to the arcade!" Denki said snapping his fingers

"That's great! Let's go!" Sero jumped out of his seat and we all went after him.

    Soon, we walked over and went inside.

"Woahhh, this place is huge!" Kirishima said, lifting his arms and spinning

"Yeah, look at all the games!" Kaminari said and the group started jumping around a bit

"I've seen better" Katsuki huffed

"Don't be such a party pooper" I lightly elbowed him in the side

"Come on guysss. Let's go buy points already so we can plaayyyyy" Kaminari whined

"Okay, okay children" I laughed, walking up to the person working and purchasing points for everyone

    I handed them all of their cards and we all started sprinting to the bumper cars, getting in trouble already along the way. We all hopped in our cars, a long with a few other people who could fit in the session with us. The man then activated the cars, giving us the okay to start.

    Before I could even start going, someone crashed into me from behind. I looked behind me and saw Katsuki smirking.

"You're on" I laughed and started moving

    It was a rough 15 minutes of yelling and bumping into mostly walls. We all came out a wreck, but we carried on anyways. 

"Hey! Let's all go to that one!" Mina said, pointing to a dancing game

"No way" everyone had agreed, except Katsuki of course

"You're just scared I can do better than you" Mina said, sticking out her tongue

"You're going down" Katsuki walked over to the machine and took off his hoodie while Mina and I high-fived at the back of the group

    The group in front of us finished and Mina and Katsuki went up. They swiped their cards and the machine started, the music started and the floor lit up. The icons soon appeared on the screen and they started stepping on the tiles it shows, dancing their hearts out.

    Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and I cheered them on from the sidelines. Kaminari and Sero were cheering for Mina whereas Kirishima and I were cheering for Bakugou.

"Hah, I win" Katsuki said huffing and sweating a bit

"Awww, it was so close too" Mina was smiling, clearly having achieved her goal as now we had many videos

    Next up was Kaminari versus Sero, which was a very chaotic group. They couldn't keep up with the music and ended up doing a second round, choosing the freestyle option. It was hilarious to watch the two, Kaminari was trying to breakdance but ended up failing miserably whereas Sero was just doing a type of 'mexican cha cha' is what he called it.

    They walked off the dance floor, laughing and pushing each other until Kaminari tripped and fell on his face. Kirishima and I were the last ones.

"Let's be manly and do the hardest setting" he whispered in my ear

"Yeah, let's do this" I said smashing my fists together, which had been a habit I picked up from him

    He changed the setting and the music started. It was going really fast and in an uneven pattern, it took a second to get used to but after a bit I noticed the repeats and started moving with the music; hitting every block as it came up.

"How the hell are you doing this?" Kirishima asked over the music

    I looked over at him and noticed him struggling, looking at the screen with a confused face. I only laughed at him before regaining concentration and killing this.

    We walked off the stage and Kirishima lost hard, getting barely any points. I high-fived everyone who offered before patting Kirishimas head. He was pouting from not getting high-fives so I felt bad. He perked up and for some reason I imagined him with a tail and ears before I realized that he was just like a happy puppy.

    We played a few more small arcade games before heading walking around, looking for a super cool last thing to do. We saw a lazer tag arena, we all exchanged glances before running over to the door and requesting a match that was just the 6 of us. It was allowed so we stood outside and waiting for the people inside to finish.

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