~ TWENTY-ONE | 21 ~

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    The people inside finally finished and we were allowed in. We geared up and were handed our guns. He didn't activate the chest gear and he sent us inside, giving us 2 minutes to find somewhere to go.

    Once two minutes were up, the equipment on my chest started glowing green; indicating that it was time to start.

"DEKKKUUUUU" I heard from the one and only Katsuki from below me.

    I watched him spin in circles, looking for Midoriya who he thought was the source of the green light.

"Oh" he said as he looked at his chest, realizing it was the reason for the sudden light

    I laughed before aiming my gun and shooting my lazer at the center of his chest. I watched the green change to red before ducking down, trying to hide my light as much as possible.

"WHO THE HELL" he yelled before I heard him sprinting off somewhere

    I got up and started sneakily running around, hiding behind objects and trying to find everyone else. Eventually I found all of them in a group and started aiming, shooting each of them one by one. 

"HAHA GOT YOU" I yelled, jumping out from my hiding spot

"But you missed me" Katsuki said from behind me, his timer reset; in between deaths you have a 1 minute grace period to run

    I was forcefully turned around before getting a gun pressed my chest.

"Bang" he whispered in my ear while shooting his gun

    It took me a second to regain my composure before running away, realizing that now everyone would be after me. I narrowly got away before my chest turned back to green, indicating that I could be killed again. 

    I started sneaking around again, deciding that it probably wasn't a good idea to go after them while they were in a big group again. I slowly found everyone, picking them off one by one; purposely leaving Katsuki for last. 

    I snuck up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Bang" I mocked him, copying what he had done earlier

    He started coughing and doubled over.

"Katsuki!" I yelled, my voice laced with concern

    He suddenly stopped coughing before he looked up at me, grabbing his throat; indicating that he couldn't breathe. I gasped and tried my best to treat him accordingly, racking my brain for information on how to handle this from a course I did a few years back.

    After a few attempts, he gasped and was pulling in a heavy breath; flowers poured out of his mouth. 

"Katsuki, are you okay?"

"Dumbass, I'm fine"

"Where do all of these flowers keep coming from?"


    He was cut off by a ringing in the room, signaling that time was up and we now had to exit. I looked at Katsuki for a second, before being dragged toward the exit by Mina. We all left the lazer tag area and headed toward the main desk to cash our tokens from the games for prizes.

    We all mostly got a bunch of small things, mostly candy. I also had purchased a giant teddy bear with my tokens, as well as a small Charizard stuffie.

"Katsuki!" I ran up to him with one of my arms behind my back

"What do you want?" 

"This is for you" I revealed the plush and extended my arm so he could grab it

"You got me something?"

"Well I saw it and it reminded me of you so I figured that I would get it with my leftover points"

"Thanks I guess, loser" 

"Loser? That's a new one"

"BYE GUYS, WE ALL HAVE TO GET HOME NOW! IT IS GETTING LATE AFTER ALL!" everyone else yelled, all hyped up on sugar

"Alright you guys, see you on Monday!" I laughed as they ran away, extending their arms out and making airplane noises as they ran in the opposite direction

"I know I didn't actually get you the bear, but it reminds me of you"


"Yeah, you're just a big teddybear"




I hope y'all know what that is ;)

Unless you don't, that's okay too; but you're really missing out




"O-oh. Thanks I think?"


    We made it to the part where we split and go our separate ways. I said bye and started walking away, until I felt arms snake around my waist and was pulled in for a hug from behind.

"Thanks for today, dumbass" he said, resting his chin on my head

"You're welcome, Katsuki" I laughed and turned around to properly return his hug

    He said bye and started walking off. I watched him walk, silently smiling at him before I turned around and started walking back to my house. Once I got there, I unlocked the door and slipped on a piece of paper that was on the floor; landing on my ass.

    I looked at the paper and my eyes widened, it was an eviction notice. I knew this was coming eventually but I didn't think that'd it would be this soon. I sighed and put the paper on the coffee table before heading up to my room and flopping down on the bed with my new teddybear. I was almost immediately engulfed in sleep.

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