~ THIRTEEN | 13 ~

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    In the blink of an eye, school came around. I stayed at Katsuki's the whole weekend and we walked to school together. Everything had gone back to normal.

"I wonder who our teacher's going to be?"

"I don't know, since Mr. Aizawa is still in the hospital recovering"

"Hello everyone" Mr. Aizawa said walking into the room, silencing the classes talking

"Hello Mr. Aizawa! I'm glad you're okay!"

"You call that.. okay?"

"My well being isn't of importance. What is, is that your fight isn't over"

"Our fight?"

"Don't tell me"

"More villains!?" 

"The U.A sports festival"



"Wait, isn't it not safe to be holding the festival because of the villains"

"Yeah, they can attack us while they're all in one place"

"Apparently the school thinks that this is a good way to show the treat has been handled, also security will be increased compared to other years" 

    This conversation went on for what seemed like forever until we started our actual subjects. I tried my best to take notes and focus, but my mind was on other things. Mainly me trying to think of reasons that could make Katsuki upset.

"Y/N!" Midnight said, slamming a piece of paper on my desk

"This is your pop quiz. We just went over what will be on it, hope you're ready" she said walking away

"Sorry" I whispered

    What class is this again?

    Soon, we finished the test and I wasn't very confident. We were dismissed from class as the day was over.

"Hey, dumbass"


"What were you thinking about?"

"Awwwe are you worried"


"Yeah uh-huh. Anywayyy.. it wasn't anything"

"Dumbass, just tell me" he said as we walked out of the school

"Well I was just thinking what might've been wrong the past few days"


"No, what's wrong with you"

"Don't worry about me dumbass, I'll be fine" he said as he ruffled my hair

"Hmph whatever. Better be" I said and he chuckled, making my heart skip a beat

    We made small talk until we reached our break point. We split off and I made my way to my house. I walked inside and did my usual, before going to bed early because I got bored.

    Two weeks went by in a flash, not too much had happened; but the sports festival was in only two days! My parents should've been home a few days ago, but aren't yet. I didn't think much of it since they we're usually called in for meetings after a mission. Until Kamui Woods showed up at my door.

"Hey, Y/N L/N?"

"This is she"

"Can I come in? I have some bad news"

"Yeah sure. Would you like something to drink" I was internally freaking out, KAMUI WOODS WAS IN MY HOUSE

"No, thank you though"

"My pleasure. So what brings you here?"

"It's about your parents"

"Did they forget to bring their hero licenses along with them. I keep trying to tell them to remember but they never do" I said getting up from the table 

"No please, this isn't about that"

"Okay, well what is it"

"Your parents were recruited to go on a very dangerous classified mission, and unfortunately they didn't make it"


"You're parents died heroes, Y/N. They died among 5 of our other recruits"

"No, no this isn't real. I'm still sleeping, they're going to walk through the door any second now after all their meetings. They're-" I was cut off by Kamui Woods putting his hand on my shoulder

"I'm sorry, but they wont be coming back"

"Okay. Thank you, is there anything else"

"You're okay with all this?"

"I'll uh- I'll be fine. Thank you for coming"

    As soon as he left, I slid down the door and started bawling my eyes out.

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