~ FIFTEEN | 15 ~

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"DAMN IT WAKE UP" Katsuki yelled, making me shoot up from the bed




    I stood up and went to my closet and grabbed my uniform. I turned around in front of the closet so I could go and change in the bathroom only to be met by a shirtless Katsuki.

    I stood there in shock for a second before he spoke up.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer"

"Don't have to tell me twice" I said pulling out my phone


    He whipped around and sent little explosions out of his hand as I snapped a picture. I started sprinting out of the room, knowing that if he caught me I'd be dead. I ran into the bathroom and locked to door. I backed up after hearing him saying many curses on the other side of the door.

    I looked down at my phone and saw the picture I took.








I laughed at it before shutting my phone off and getting in the shower

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I laughed at it before shutting my phone off and getting in the shower. I did everything I needed to do before walking out.

"You sure take a while" Katsuki said leaning against the wall

"Please don't kill me, I want my life" I said backing up

"Then delete the picture"

"But it cheered me up" 


"Anyway, are you ready?"


"Well technically-"

"SHUT UP" he yelled as we walked out the door and headed towards the school.

    I walked in the class and was surrounded by everyone who all said their condolences. I smiled and thanked them all before heading to my seat and pulling out my sketchbook, realizing that I hadn't drawn anything in it for a while. 

    I looked at the last picture I had done, it was a picture of my mom in front of a flower field. It has been an actual photo my dad took of her when they were in high school, but I was drawing it for their anniversary. I decided to start finishing it.

    Soon class stared, and Mr. Aizawa went on about all we would be doing for the sports festival and how it was going to go down. With all that had happened the past two days, I honestly forgot that it would be today. 

    We all were brought to the area that the sports festival would be held and waited for it to start.

"Hey Bakugou!" I yelled running over to him when I spotted him

"What do you want, dumbass"

"Good luck!" I said and raised a fist


"Do you not know what a fist bump is"


    I raised my fist out to him a bit more.

"Refresh my memory" he said blankly

"Oh my god"

    I grabbed his hand and formed it into a fist, hitting his knuckles against my own. I smiled at him and started skipping away after Present Mic came on the announcer and said it was about to start.

    Our class was called and we all walked out, and I have to say; from the TVs we looked pretty badass. All of the other classes were slowly called out as we all stood in the center of the stadium as midnight walked out onto the podium. Most of the boys started to blush and bicker amongst themselves before Midnight spoke up.

    She explained the rules and called up the year rep, who ended up being Katsuki since he came first in the entrance exams.

"I just want to say.. I'm gonna win" he said monotone before he walked back into the crowd

    Everyone boo'd him, and I mean I don't really blame them. If I was in their place and wasn't friends with Katsuki I would probably do that too.  Everyone then moved on as Midnight turned on a screen that would pick an event at random. It went for a few seconds before it landed on 'obstacle course'.

    She explained what the obstacle course would be, without telling us the actual challenges of course; and sent us to the starting place, where Present Mic came onto the speakers and sent all of us off.

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