~ EIGHT | 8 ~

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    Soon after, I heard the door open very aggressively. I looked over the best I could and saw Bakugou with the guy from the bus. But the mans clothes were torn and burnt and he had cuts all over him. He pushed the guy towards me and I flinched a bit.

"Told me you should've come wi- eugh" he said before he was punched in the gut by Bakugou

"Fix it" he said glaring at him

"Okay, okay jeez"

    He made his way over to me as I tried scooting away. He put his hand on the back of my head for about a minute, I slowly felt my conditions get better.

"She'll be sore and exhausted but she's fine" he said leaving

    Bakugou gave him one final blow to the face before quite literally kicking him out the door. I started sitting up and was still sore, like he said I would be; but it wasn't near as bad. My headache had gone away and my skin no longer burned.

"Better now?"

"Much, thanks for that by the way" I said standing up, my legs wobbling a bit

"Sit back down dumbass, you're still sore"

"I want water" I said trying to make my way to the kitchen

"THEN ASK" he yelled 

    I grabbed my head, as it hurt from him yelling. I heard him sigh before he picked me up and sat me back down on the couch before heading to the kitchen. He came back with a glass of water and handed it to me as Mitsuki walked through the door, I honestly had no idea that she had left.

"I'll make dinner, how about Katsudon? And Y/N you're more than welcome to stay the night, it's pretty late already"

"That sounds good, thank you so much Mitsuki"

"You can take Katsuki's bed and do-"


"OH HUSH I WAS TALKING. Anyways, don't worry about clothes or anything; you can just borrow Katsuki's" she said, glaring at Bakugou as she said the last part

"Thank you, but it's totally fine I can sleep on the couch" I said before taking a sip of my water

    Bakugou turned on the news and I sat there patiently for dinner to be ready. Bakugou on the other hand, not so much.




"THEN GET YOUR ASS IN HERE AND BE MY GUEST!" she said coming out of the kitchen and throwing her apron at Katsuki's face 

    He stood up and walked into the kitchen, starting to make everything.

"To be honest I just didn't want to cook. But don't tell him that" she whispered in my ear and I giggled at her

"EVERYTHING'S READY SO GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE OR I'LL EAT EVERY LAST BIT" he yelled about 45 minutes later later

    Mitsuki and I stood up and started making our way to the kitchen. We got our dish and sat down at the table, enjoying our food in nice silence. 

    After dinner, Mitsuki and I did the cleaning and Bakugou just left to his room to go to sleep. Once we were done cleaning, Mitsuki decided that she was going to go to bed too. Having nothing to do, I layed on the couch and tried to fall asleep.

    After 3 hours of laying there, I gave up and started walking up to Bakugou's room. I knocked on the door but go no response, meaning he was probably asleep. I opened the door and peeked in, before opening it all the way.

    I made my way over to his closet and changed into his sweatpants and a t-shirt, which were both very big on me. I then walked over to his bed and layed down on the opposite side of it, trying to stay as far as I could away from Bakugou so I wouldn't bother him. I pulled the blanket over my body slowly, trying not to wake him.

    He groaned in his sleep and flipped over, letting his arm go he hit me in the face; causing him to wake up and open only one eye. Mission failed.

"The hell do you want dumbass" he said

    His voice was all raspy and sent shivers down my spine, I quickly shook the feeling away.

"I couldn't sleep, so I came in here to try"

"Any luck?"

"Well I just got here so I haven't had much time" I awkwardly laughed

"Well what's the matter dumbass"


"I wont ask again"

"Ah right. I just feel uneasy is all"

"From earlier?"

"Yeah. I know I'm stupid blah blah blah all that stuff" 

"Don't mock me. But yes, you're very stupid"

"Come here" he suddenly said, opening his arms


"Hurry up before I change my mind" 

    Quickly, I crawled over to him and layed on of his arms while his other one went across me.

"You feel more at ease like this right?" I nodded, knowing he could feel me

"Now sleep, idiot" he said before quickly falling asleep

    Not too long after he did, I fell into a deep sleep too.

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