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"Hey Bakugou?" I asked as we were in the kitching eating cereal

"What do you want?"

"Was something bothering you this morning?"

"I already told you, it was nothing"

"Are you sure? It's not very surprising that you're calm when you're tired but you've never been like that before"

"SHUT UP. IT CHEERED YOU UP, DIDN'T IT DUMBASS?" he yelled and I smiled at him

"Yeah, I guess it did"

"Tch" he went back to eating

~Bakugou's POV~

    I started sprinting to the bus station; getting impatient thinking that I may end up missing my chance to get this guy. I jumped through the doors as they were closing and all eyes were on me. I ignored it and quickly walked through the bus, scanning the entire place looking for the guy. I didn't get a great look at his face but I know what he looks like enough that I can recognize him.

    When I made it to the back of the bus, I spotted him touching another girl who looked uncomfortable. I walked over, acting pretty normal before I put my hand on his shoulder and activating my quirk enough that it'd burn him.

    He whipped his head over to me and looked scared for a second, he had clearly recognized me.

"How's she doing?" he smirked  

    I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt before punching him straight it the face and dragging him off the bus when it stopped. A few times he woke up and tried to escape my grasp, only receiving an explosion until he eventually gave up.

"You must have known the quirk would wear off in time"

"I did"

"Then why'd you come find me?"

"Cause I want to fix it as soon as possible and the only way to get answers was to abduct your pervy ass"

"Or is it because you care for her? Are you maybe.. in love with her?"


"Think about it for a second. You came to find me to make her feel better, no one can touch her right now right? So you can't even comfort. But you knew the quirk would wear off in time, so it's not like this was your only option. I know it's not a lot to go off of, but just think about it"

    I went silent and accidentally got consumed in my thoughts. I thought about my every encounter with her up until now. Maybe I do like her. I'm not in love with her, no way. It's not like I adore everything about her that's just stupid shit that only happens in movies.

    It's not like I love her smile, or all the small wrinkles she gets on her nose when she does. And it's not like I find it cute when she gets angry and puffs her cheeks and crosses her arms while pouting. It's not like I like when she get's flustered and her face goes red, or when she's super happy and hops a little bit. Or when she can't sleep and will invite me out on walks where we go to the park. I don't love her, what bullshit is that?


    Shit, I'm in love with her.

~Y/N's POV~



"Goddamn what the hell were you thinking so hard about, I called your name like 5 times. Anyway, I'm getting in the shower and just wanted to know where the towels are and what clothes of yours I can wear"

"I'll grab you a towel and clothes, just go get in the shower dumbass"

"Oh okay! Thanks Bakugou!"

"Whatever" he said as I skipped away from him

Hanahaki ~ Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now