~ SEVENTEEN | 17 ~

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     Soon, the first fights were started. My fight was third, after Todoroki's and Sero's. I was up against Kaminari, which was a pretty convenient fight for me. We were told to go and he attempted to strike me with his electricity.

    I shot a bolt through my hand and redirected his electricity as much as I could onto the ground I changed, though some of Kaminari's attack hit me. My attack had been more powerful than his, and he started burning from the fire. He started running out of the fire, causing him to run out of bounds and be eliminated.

    I won the fight and waited quite a while for my next one, that was against Iida. That fight was over pretty fast, I lit the ground on fire but because of how fast he runs it creates wind around him. That wind puts out the special fire I can make with my bolts, so he simply lifted me up and put me out of bounds; and from there I was eliminated.

    I went up to the stand my class was at and sat down, watching all of the other fights and cheering everyone on. Quickly, the eventful day came to an end and the sports festival was over. In first place was Katsuki, who had to be chained up because he was going feral. In second place was Todoroki. In third, Tokoyami and Iida had been tied but because Iida had to leave for something, only Tokoyami was on the stand.

    We were told that we'd be getting the rest of the week off to recover and rest, so after the sports festival; everyone started leaving. I noticed Katsuki still chained up in a chair with a muzzle on. He looked tired but was still trying to get out. 

    I walked over to him and put my hands around his head, to which he swung his body as much as he could to get away from me.

"Stay still"

    He slowly stopped moving, and I took his muzzle off. He started breathing really heavily and that's when I remembered what had happened with the sludge villain years ago. I gasped and desperately yanked at the chains, trying to get them off so he didn't need to suffer anymore.

    I shot a few certain parts of it with a small bolt until all the chains fell off of his body and he attacked me in a hug.

"Don't say shit, dumbass"

"Yeah, sure"




    He grabbed my hand and started pulling me in the direction of the exit.

"Uhh.. you can let me go know I would've followed you if you wanted me to"

"No, it's just more comforting this way"

"Then stop walking so damn fast, jeez" I said and he slowed down a bit so I could walk beside him

"Oh by the way, the old hag invited you over"


"Of course you don't ha-"





"I'm s-"

"You don't have to apologize for everything you do, stop it. It pisses me off"

"I- okay"

"We're you about to say it again?"


"God dammit"

"Hey where are you going?" I asked as he pulled me in the direction of his house

"Um, my place?"

"I need to grab my stuff"

"You just wear my clothes again idiot"

"Oh okay"

Hanahaki ~ Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now