~ TWO | 2 ~

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    We were all gathered outside randomly. Mr. Aizawa explained what was going to happen and then he called Bakugou up to demonstrate. He handed Bakugou a softball and he stood in a circle, preparing to throw it. He wound up and threw the ball, using his quirk to make it flashier. 

"DIIIEEEEE!" he yelled as he threw it 

    Everyone looked amazed before Mr. Aizawas phone beeped. He turned the phone over to show us the results of his toss, which was only 709.6 meters. All of our expressions twisted into shock, including Bakugou's. 

"We will be working on improving your quirks themselves, rather than you. Oh and the last person will be sent home"

    Then, the real test began and we were all sent off to do certain obstacles. It wasn't all that challenging, although my quirk didn't help all that much with a lot of them. My bolts do give me a little bit of an enhancement but only by 2%. So by the end of the tests, I was closer towards the end of the list.

"By the way, I wasn't actually ever planning to send the last person home. That was just a little trick to make sure you guys did your bests" Aizawa said and we all headed back inside

    We discussed results and a little bit of what the next day would look like before we were all dismissed. I changed before I went back to the class to collect my stuff. I looked at Bakugou's desk and saw that it was all still there, so I stood against the wall and decided to wait for him so we could walk home together. 

    He only lived about a block away from me so it was pretty convenient. We never walked to school together though, I'm a morning person and he is not. Although, the only reason that I'm a morning person is because I lay in my bed and take a whole hour to wake up so I'm not super angry with everyone.

    I was knocked out my thoughts by Bakugou karate chopping me on my the head.

"Ow that hurt" I pouted at him

"awww.. are you gonna cryyy" He teased

"Well I-"

"I don't actually care"

"How can you be so mean to me?"

"It's not very hard. What are you doing anyway"

"I was waiting for you. You're so stupid"


"I said your stupid"


"Anyway, grab your stuff lets goooo.. I'm hungryyyyy"

"I'm not buying you anything" 

"I don't care I want to stop by the new soba stand and get something on the way"

"Fine" he said as he finished grabbing his things

    I started skipping out the door.


    I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him, before purposely walking RIGHT in front of him so he struggled not to step on my feet.

"FUCKING MOVE" he yelled as he tripped me over

    I fell on my face. I looked up at him, as he stared down at me with a blank expression before bursting out laughing.

"You're such an asshole" I said quietly, getting up and brushing all the gravel off my hands and front.

"Y-you look like a me- mess" he said in between laughs

"BUT I ALREADY FIXED MYSELF" I yelled back confused

"You're nose is bleeding dumbass" he said pointing at my nose

"Shoot" I said taking my bag off of my back, searching for a tissue


"What?" I asked as he took a picture and showed me

"How did that- whatever" I said

    The cut was on the bridge of my nose, I thew the tissue out and searched for a bandaid. I found one and put it where the cut was.

"Hah, you still look stupid" 

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT" I yelled before pouting at him as he took out his camera and snapped a photo

"Whatever, let's go" I said crossing my arms, walking beside him this time

    We made it to the street that we split up at, I waved bye to him. He gave me his signature glare before turning around to leave. I sighed and looked down, turning and walking into the direction of my house. 

Hanahaki ~ Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now