Chapter 29

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One month later

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Josephine, happy birthday to you" I heard the second I opened my eyes, the sight of the three individuals smiling with the widest grins plastered on their cheeks taking me by surprise.

"What time is it?" I asked stretching, the sun coming in from the window blinding me without a second thought as I quickly caught sight of the clock sat on my bedside table, "you woke me up at 9:15? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Jo, it's your birthday" Kath announced nonchalantly as if her words were simply enough of an explanation for waking me up so early.

"And? Ive had 22 others this ones no different. Plus, I'm pregnant and tired and if you'll excuse me, I'd rather spend a few more hours in bed" I announced, taking the cover that had fallen below my bump and raising it over my head.

"If you say so miss priss" Hallie mumbled under her breath, prompting me to remove the material hiding my view only to witness two out of the three people living with me exiting the room.

"That was a bit harsh don't you think" Hero announced, his broading arms which I'd found myself completely hormonal over crossed infront of his chest.

"So you think I'm mean?" I asked, finding anger instantly erupting and escalating to a height which was out of my control.

"No baby I just mea-"

"Dont fucking baby me Fiennes Tiffin" I started, stepping out of bed to stand in front of his intimidating form, "If you have a problem, the door is right there for you to walk out of. You've done it before, I'm sure you will have no problem doing so again"

As a sad look appeared in his eyes, I instantly felt guilt rushing through my veins before watching him disappear through the door id already made two others exit through this morning.

In simple terms, my hormones had been all over the place recently. One minute I was the happiest person on the planet, spending afternoons cuddled in my boyfriends arms whilst we shopped for everything our son could possibly need. The next, I was a total bitch. Throwing pillows at Heros head when he spent more time on his phone than talking to me, making him sleep on the floor when I told him how fat I felt and him fakely responding with the words 'you look beautiful', every little thing just seemed to piss me of recently.

Realising how badly I'd messed up, I quickly followed through with my morning routine before stepping out into the silent hallway.

"I'm so sorry" I quickly announced as Hallie and Kath turned there heads towards me, the pair instantly standing to their feet and walking towards me.

"Jo your pregnant" Kath spoke, her hands moving down to rest on my bump.

"And crazy" Hallie added, earning a humorous glare for myself

"The point is you are sensitive right now and that's understandable, you don't need to apologise for that"

"Yeah, as much as you being a moody bitch gets on my last nerve, I'll let you of considering your carrying my god son" she paused clearly collecting her thoughts before using her voice again, "but you might want to apologise to that baby daddy of yours after what you said"

"I was such a bitch to him wasn't I"

"I think bitch is a tad bit of an understatement but he loves you Jo, and as much I was ready to tear his dick of a few months ago, he doesn't deserve that"

"Where is he?" I asked after a few moments of silence, my eyes searching the proximity for any sign of him.

"He's just popped out for a bit, he made breakfast for you tho" Kath spoke guiding me towards the table where a plate of food arranged in a smiley face sat with a rose positioned besides it.

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