Chapter 26

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For some reason, I knew the man sat next to me pouring his heart out begging for my forgiveness was telling the truth. Some of the shit I had said after arguments between the two of us post getting dunk was just as fucked, things I wished just after I could take back, but the truth was we were both just spouting bullshit. Unfortunately, he just happened to get caught.

Wrapping my arms around his torso was a feeling I couldn't quite explain, a feeling which I hadn't found myself enduring since the day I kicked the most important man in my life out without an explanation.

"I've missed you more baby, more than you'll ever know" he interrupted making the feeling of guilt running through my veins only heighten.

I'd let him miss everything, me finding out, my first appointment, all of it due to some shitty misunderstanding. I'd do anything, anything at all to go back to that day and just talk everything out instead of acting as I did. I'd been a bitch, beyond the word to say the fucking least.

"I'm so sorry Hero" I spoke truthfully moments after his lips touched my forehead, "I'm so fucking sorry"

"Look at me love" he spoke up prompting my eyes to move towards his own as he gave me an encouraging smile, "if anyone's to blame here, it's nobody other than me. I was a complete and utter dick and I swear to you, with my whole fucking life, I will never say shit like that again."

His words slowed for a moment as his hands moved down to the bulge preventing the two of us from hugging properly before he started up again, "All that matters now is the two of you. I promise you from this day forward I will never disappoint either of you, I will be the best fucking father that our little boy deserves and the best bloody boyfriend if you'll have me"

Without a second of thought, I quickly nodded my head with the widest fucking grin plastered on my face whilst speaking, "I want nothing more Hero"

With his grin replicating my'n, he quickly moved a strand of hair lying over my eye before asking a question I was desperate to answer, "can I kiss yo-"

Not even giving him a chance to finish, I quickly leaned up on my tiptoes forcing my lips straight onto his. The kiss wasn't typical, it felt desperate as I clawed at his shirt wanting to feel every last part of his body as close as I could possibly get it.

Feeling the sharpest possible kick push against my abdomen, I quickly pulled away interrupting the moment forcing my hand to the place my little boy seemed to be most active.

"Is everything okay" Hero questioned with worry laced in his vision as his hands shot to cover my own, motioning them in a gentle circular rhythm.

"Everything's fine, I think little man just didn't like someone so close" I responded chuckling as I looked down, only to witness the cause of my bump kneeling down on the ground lifting my shirt just above the centre of my stomach.

"Hello little man, it's daddy here" he started which earned another strong kick in response as Hero's eyes moved to mine with a smile settling on both our faces, "you've got a strong kick their buddy, I just know you are going to be the best little football player when you come out. Now I promise as soon as you're old enough we will be on the field every night, but for right now let's try and not kick mummy to hard, yeah?"

"How did you do that?" I questioned looking down with astonishment written on my face as I felt a much gentler kick collide with my skin.

"You're going to be a daddy's boy right little man" he spoke earning a glare from me in response, "or not"

"I carry him for nine months and he's a daddy's boy, yeah no, I don't think so" I replied as he finally got up of the ground placing another gentle kiss on my cheek before taking my hand.

"Whatever you say love"

The next few minutes were spent with just the two of us smiling wider than imaginable with our hands interlocked. Feeling nothing but content at this moment, I took the time to truly recognise where the last couple of weeks had taken me. Somehow, I'd managed to go from crying over the recognition I'd lost the only man I'd ever loved to smiling over the future I couldn't be more excited for.

I knew the three of us would be happy. I'd fucked up, we'd fucked up, but it was time that we both started doing the exact opposite.

"I like John by the way" he stated as we began walking back in the direction we'd come from in the place I knew two people would be awaiting all the gossip, "I've always loved that name"

"John, John Fiennes Tiffin." I repeated stopping my steps taking in the idea of my son's name, "I like that"

"You do" he stopped again turning his eyes to focus solemnly on my'n

"I really do"

Finally reaching the apartment building, I quickly grabbed my mask fitting it to my face before stepping through the turning glass doors. Waiting for him to come through, I quickly grabbed his hand edging us in the direction of the elevator.

"Excuse me miss" I hear an employees voice call forcing my head to turn 180 degrees to look her way, "I'm so sorry but the elevator isn't working"

Her words made me whine as I looked down at my feet which were currently swollen beyond compare. Giving her a quick smile, I thanked her before moving Hero and I towards the stairs which I was far too exhausted to walk up.

"I really don-" I started before being completely interrupted as my body was lifted into a brides hold

"What the fuck are you doing" I asked quickly as his feet started moving up the stairs with my arms looped around his neck hanging on for dear life, "I can walk babe just let me take it slow, there's no fucking way you can carry me"

"Watch me"

Before I knew it, we had reached my floor with a bead of sweat trailing from his forehead. Laughing as he carried me all the way to the door, I quickly grabbed the key out of my pocket attempting to unlock it before being beat to the job as the door swung straight open.

With a look of astonishment on my face, Hero gently lowered my feet to the ground before the two people I'd least expected to see come further into frame.

"Mum, Dad, what are you doing here?"

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