Chapter 32

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"Hero if you put one more thing in that basket I swear I'm going to kill you" I warned, my eyes taken aback by the total as he continued to pile every baby item possible into the cart.

"But Jo, look how cute this shit is" he spoke beaming at a pair of Nike trainers which were an exact match to his own, "My sons got to have style babe"

"Your son?" I said questingly, my eyebrows raised as my wrist glided over the space where our little boy was growing. It really is fucking crazy how fast time goes.

"I meant our son baby" he spoke placing the computer down by his side out of my reach, preventing me from removing every unnecessary item he was preparing to order. Taking my mind away instantly, he took to his feet before kneeling down, his eyes in line with my belly as his hand made contact with my stretched skin. As if asking for my permission, his eyes met mine earning an instant nod as I desperately tried to contain the smile that had been constantly taunting my face recently. Fuck, I'm so beyond in love with this man

Lifting the base of my T-shirt, his lips instantly moved closer kissing the base of my stomach before he began having a conversation with our unborn baby boy.

"Not long now my little buddy" he began, his grin mimicking my own as his dimples popped out against his cheeks, "I can't tell you how excited your mummy and I are to meet you. We've been shopping all day just for you today mate. Got you a crib, some bottles, you know all that baby shi- I mean stuff" he recovered at the realization of his own words.

"Anyway" he started up again after a glare from myself and a partial choking fit taking over his own throat, "I just want you to know how much mummy and daddy love you. You are going to be the luckiest little boy on this planet with your mummy mate. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and she somehow chose to put up with the pair of us" he spoke making me let out a light chuckle as my eyes began unconsciously watering, "we are the luckiest lads in the world".

With his gaze locked with mine, I couldn't resist grabbing his arms guiding his lips to my own. I was totally, completely in love with this man and something within me spoke that feeling would never change. We'd have our fallouts, fuck we'd probably go days ignoring one another over some stupid shit, but no matter what, no matter what life forces upon us, we were it for one another. There was nor would there be anybody else, and the thought that only a few months ago I doubted that exact fact actually enforces pain.

Eventually pulling away, his lips began moving again barely giving me time to recover from being lost in my thoughts around how deeply in love I am with this man, "You know babe, you are by far the hottest pregnant woman I've ever seen"

Pushing his arms back laughing, I instantly replied to his remark with my cheeks still rosy and lips feeling bare after losing contact with his own, "Be quiet you. You're only saying that because I'm pregnant with our son" I joked, his face turning serious taking me by surprise.

"Jo don't ever think you aren't the most beautiful woman in the world" he began after gently taking my tinted cheeks into his palms, "Seeing you pregnant only adds to that baby, you don't fucking realize the shit you do to me. Seeing you like this, carrying our son, it's a whole new feeling Jo. Fuck, I'm in deep trouble if we ever have a daughter"

"You want more kids?" I asked after recovering from his speech and pressing a gentle kiss to his upper lip.

"I want as many as you'll give me baby. Not only do you look hot as shit pregnant, but the whole making the kid process isn't half bad" he replied taking me by surprise, my arm pushing against his stomach as I couldn't prevent the laughter releasing from my own lips.

"You really don't have a filter do you" 

"You're right baby, but you love me for it" he spoke showing me his perfect smile with his perfect dimples and his perfect teeth. Damn why is he so fucking good looking

"That I do" I said, leaning against his chest as his arms wrapped around my body making me feel safer than I physically thought possible.

"I love you more love" he distracted me, my eyes soon noticing his fingers reaching back over towards the computer, my eyes taking in the sight of him clicking a few more buttons before finally closing the screen.

"How much did you just spend?" I asked, my neck turning 180 degrees to come fact to face with his proud expression.

"Never you mind babe. You worry about the making, I'll worry about the spending" he replied, not even able to hold his own laughter back at the sound of his statement.

"You are hopeless"

The next day

"Hero" I called out, my eyes trying to get used to the sunlight beaming through my window as my arms reached out to the spot usually occupied by my boyfriend. Realizing he wasn't in the room after calling his name several times, I took to my feet as fast as my aching back would allow me, walking straight into the hallway.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" Hallie sarcastically called, her arms leaning against the counter as Kat cooked something that easily made my mouth drool.

"Morning" I replied yawning before focusing on the thoughts circling my mind, "Have you guys seen Hero?" I asked almost positive by this point he wasn't in the apartment.

"Oh, lover boy?" Hallie replied making my sister giggle whilst earning a laughable glare from myself, "he just went out for a bit"

"Mind telling me where exactly" I continued pulling up a stool as Kat pushed a glass of orange juice my way as I whispered a silent thank you.

"Now I know this might come as a surprise to you Jo" she began, her attitude already telling me the next statement was going to be riddled with sarcasm, "but I, unfortunately, don't happen to be a professional Hero stalker. Try Instagram, I'm sure you'll find some on there" she joked, her words making we outwardly frustrated yet inwardly giggle.

The next few hours were spent by the three of us chatting away. Whilst Kat beamed about how well things were going with the guy she'd already had several virtual dates with, Hallie spoke about her hatred of the male species, dissing the police officer she'd once fantasized about in the hospital instead glowing over the nurse named Katy who I could tell my best friend was totally smitten with.

"She's worked there for ab-" she spoke before being cut off by the opening the door, the visual of Hero both making me relieved, curious, and a tiny bit frustrated.

"Hero where the hell have you been?" I moved towards his space by the front door, his chest heaving with a grin plastered on his face confusing me all the more.

"Come with me" he simply replied, his smile not dropping nor his cheery tone faltering.


"Just trust me baby" he spoke, his arms quickly reaching out to grab my shoes, helping me position them on my feet knowing how difficult it had gotten for me. "We'll be a while" he waved to Kath and Hallie who snickered to each other. Am I missing something?

Getting in the car, I quickly swung my head towards the man sat in the driver's seat never having been so confused, "Where are you taking me exactly?"

"It's a surprise baby, now buckle up"

With that said, he began driving in an unknown direction. With my questions shut down at every chance with his claims of a 'surprise', I simply leaned back against the leather awaiting whatever destination he had planned.

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