Chapter 21

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"Hero" I gasped in surprise failing to respond to the comment at hand whilst I blinked several times trying to discover whether the sight before me was just an image of my imagination.

"Can I come in?" He asked with his fingers tracing over his eyebrows in a way that I knew meant he was nervous.

Looking behind me, my eyes instantly locked on to the two people sitting only metres away as the episode of vampire diaries they were previously distracted by became practically nonexistent. Knowing the conversation which we were in desperate need of having should be purely between the two of us, I responded to his comment in the best way I could think.

"Do you mind if we go to the park just down the street, I'll just change my clothes?" I asked instantly receiving a nod of the head before I moved behind to grab my stuff.

"If you need me, call me Jo" Hallie screamed from her space glued to the couch when I entered back as she glared at Hero in a way I knew id be screaming at her about after.

Ten minutes later, the two us were sat down on the hidden bench in a way which seemed we were socially distancing, his body only staying on the seat due to the armrest keeing him in place whilst mine did the same.

"So, have you been doing a lot of walking through here during lockdown?" He finally spoke up despite his eyes looking for any excuse not to look my way.

"Yes, I feel like she likes it when I do a lot of walking" I replied with a small smile on my face as my hand moved over the top of where my baby was laying.

"She?" He asked instantly moving my eyes straight towards his as I watched his own stare at my belly in a look which could only be described as astonishment.

"Ye-yeah I think its a girl. Hallie thinks so too but Anna and Kath think its a boy and yeah" I said going off on a tangent before realising how stupid I sounded.

Moments of awkward tension seemed to follow before his voice demonstrated just how good he is at listening, "I think its a boy"

With his sentence, a smile simultaneously followed as his hand moved closer to the spot he so obviously wanted to touch. Giving him a quick "go ahead", his hand found the skin hiding our baby before an almighty kick hit him right in the palm causing the green I loved so damn much to meet my grey for the first time.

"They know their daddy," I said hoping to continue on with the blissful moment we were currently experiencing only to be flipped upside down as his hand rushed away and face dropped down to the floor.

"Why did you kick me out, Jo? Why did you not tell me about our baby? Why the fuck did you keep all of this from me? I would have helped you, shit, I would have been their every fucking step of the way. Did you know you were pregnant when you kicked me out? Please, just tell me what happened." He rushed out after what seemed like hours of silence sending my head into a complete mishap in a millisecond.

With a deep gulp, I finally started the conversation that I had been avoiding for far too long.

"I didn't know I was pregnant when I kicked you out Hero, I could of never let you leave without knowing. That morning when I kicked you out, I found something on your phone. I didn't ever kick you out to hurt you, know that was the last thing I ever wanted to do. I knew after I heard what you said, I couldn't hold you back more than I already had an-"

"Hold the fuck up" he started with confusion clear upon his features, "what fucking video are you on about?"

"That doesn't matter anymore Hero, what matters here is that you and I resolve these stupid issues we have going on before we bring a child into this world bec-"

"It doesn't fucking matter Josephine?" He began with anger now clear as his eyebrows furrowed, "it doesn't fucking matter that whatever shit you think you heard had you throwing me out of your fucking apartment and keeping my child from me? Don't you understand what you've done? I've missed so much shit, Jo. The day you found out, the first appointment, the first kick. Everything I've fucking missed because of this shit so yeah, it does matter"

His words had tears brewing in both of our eyes before I started up again, "I know Hero, I know I should of fucking told you but everything got so messed up so quickly and I-I just couldn't face you" my words announced only making him roll his eyes prompting me to continue.

"I wanted to tell you, god I wanted it more than anything but I was scared shitless. Scared you'd hate me even more, scared you'd hate the baby, everything was just fucking terrifying Hero.

Cooling down ever so slightly, I began a set of words which I hoped would ease his mind ever so slightly "Yes you missed the first appointment and I'm sorry for that, I truly wish you never did, but please know the first kick, our son or daughters first kick was at the sound of your voice."

With that, his eyes instantly shot to mine as if he'd just been hit by a ray of light.

"What do you mean, the first kick in the doctor's office?" He asked with a hopeful look on his face whilst my hands began fiddling with the jacket pockets I had placed on in what I could only describe as nervousness.

Unfortunately knowing id be letting him down, I rushed out my statement giving him no room to interrupt even though I had a strong feeling he wouldn't, "No, but that first time I saw you when you arrived back after the accident, they kicked as soon as you left"

"So she was happy to get read of me then" he chuckled lightly to himself taking me by complete surprise and switching the pronoun up as I pulled the small envelope from inside my pocket sitting it on my lap.

"Its a girl now?" I asked raising my eyebrows as I sat confused by his quick change in opinion.

"Yeah well, I thought it was a boy but don't they say something about mothers instinct?" He questioned with a small image of a smile playing on his lips whilst his fingers moved back to to the place I felt so much comfort in them being. The conversation had completely swerved into another direction and the original issues at hand needed to be sorted, but for right now, I didn't mind the change in topic.

As I shrugged my shoulders in reply, he quickly spoke up again, "I can't wait to find out"

His words sounding sheepish, I quickly realized what the paper still sitting in my lap was as I didn't even think before moving my lips.

"We can find out right now" I announced making his eyebrows furrow even further than previous promoting me to continue, "I asked the doctor to write the gender on a piece of paper after you walked out, I didn't want to wait another few weeks so I sort of hoped you'd come around"

With a look of dazzlement on his cheeks, he looked down to my lap holding our future in before my palm placed it in his own, "open it"

"No, no, no your the mother Jo I-" he started clearly nervous about the current situation.

"Open it" I spoke again as I gave him a nod of encouragement with his hands moving to open the small wrapping hiding something I couldn't wait to hear.

The moment my heart stopped took place moments later. He may not have known about my pregnancy from the very start, but he certainly did sense the sex of our child the very second his eyes met my bump. Looking down at the small piece of paper, my life seemed to be complete with only three short syllables.

"Its a boy"

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