Chapter 7

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Without even the slightest idea on how to react to Hallie's sudden exposure to my best-kept secret, my lips repeatedly parted before closing as I tried desperately to configure my thoughts.

'I-' spoke the only syllable capable of leaving my burning throat after an announcement I never expected Hallie to be revealed so bluntly.

With a deep breath in from the depths of my lungs, I used my nonexistent strength to guide the conversation, 'Yes, I'm pregnant'

Before I could say another word, I found myself bombarded with questions within a blink of an eye.

'When the fuck did this happen? Why didn't you tell me? Who else even know?' Anna asked with her pupils blown.

'Woah, Woah, Woah slow down there cowboy, she's still processing everything that's just happened' my roommate announced in response despite the reaction being so similar to her own.

'I'm sorry it's just-' she began responding to Hallie's remark only to be stopped by my own words.

'No it's okay' I paused taking the time to plan out my next words, 'I found out yesterday at the doctor's office, no one else other than Hallie and now you know and, and I can't remember you're other question'

At my reply, a small smile tugged at her cheeks creating a natural look to appear on her face as she moved closer to where I was sitting

'This is great news, right?' She questioned me whilst she practiced cracking her knuckles, clearly worried about what my response would be.

'I'd be lying if I said it wasn't bittersweet' I started before going off on a tangent, 'of course a baby Is something I've always dreamed of having someday. Having a family, settling down, it's always been something I've wanted.

'But' she interrupted knowing it was coming.

'But, I don't know what to do now Anna. I don't know how to be a mother, I don't know how to tell my family. I have no idea how I'm supposed to tell Hero' I spoke finally voicing the worry which had spent so much time swallowing me whole.

'I know I need to tell him, trust me I really do, it's just the video and now this photo, I'll just be dragging him back from the life he truly wants to live'

'Jo listen to me and listen to me good' the woman who had become the best motherly figure in LA to me despite our less than 10 year age gap, 'you and Hero did this together. Not just you but him as well. No matter how you may be feeling towards him right now, he deserves to know he's about to have a son or daughter Jo. Just think about how you'd feel if it was the other way around'

Her words spoke nothing but truth as my eyes found themselves obsessed with my hands, not wanting to look up and see the gaze blaring into mine.

'You know what they say, Jo, it takes two to tango' Hallie finally piped in for the first time, disrupting the deep conversation and turning it comical.

'I'll tell him I promise, I'd never want to keep his child from him, but I can't tell him yet'

The words seemed enough as a silent nod left Anna before Hallie's voice started talking more about the crazy Karen who'd stolen her Oreos.

Hours later, we were all sat in the living room eating dinner and talking normally when Anna asked another question I didn't have the answer to, 'How far along are you Jo?'

The words themselves reminded me of my run out of the office only yesterday after the news took me by completely by surprise.

'I'm not entirely sure, to be honest, but probably a couple of weeks' I honestly replied.

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