Chapter 8

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Walking back into the living room, my eyes instantly zoned in on Hallie as her mouth became agape showing she was about to alert me of her thoughts.

"Now are you sure you're feeling up for this" her voice spoke for the 10th time since I'd emptied the contents of my stomach into the white bowl practically carrying my rancid scent.

'Yes Hallie, I'm sure my stomach will stop being such a burden to my life long enough for us to take a quick walk'

'Hey now, don't talk like that about my Godchild she can hear you' she spoke with her eyebrows furrowed and her hand gently rubbing the base of my stomach.

'I have three things to say about what you just said' I started before moving on with the conversation.

'Number 1, I never said he or she was being the burden' I stated in a much harsher tone than I once desired to.

'Number 2, the baby cant hear until at least 18 weeks and I'm barely through 8 and a half' I continued referring to the news my doctor had given me only two days ago.

'And number three, how the fuck do you know it's going to be a girl?' I said sounding way too furious for such a delicate topic.

'Woah, Woah, Woah miss hormonal' she said before my glare landed on her forcing some decent words to exit her mouth, 'I was only joking with you, Jo. I'm sorry, ok?'

'Can we just go' I stated rather than asked as my annoyed tone continued despite my internal longing for it to disappear. Damn these hormones

Putting her hands up in mock surrender, I guided my movements towards the door in silence trying to bring myself back to earth instead of attacking the closest individual at every chance I had.

'I'm sorry Hallie it's just-' I finally broke before being interrupted by her voice.

'Hey Jo, no need to apologize. You're going to have crazy mood swings over the next 9 months, it's just part of pregnancy' she stated, giving me her charming smile before widening the door for us both to exit.

'And for the record, I have a good feeling I'm getting a gorgeous niece' she continued as a proud look took over her features.

'Hmmm, so my baby has one vote boy one vote girl already' I said joyfully rubbing my stomach whilst trying to force the thoughts so desperately trying to be released back.

'Yep' she stated popping the final letter, 'and I know I'm going to be right'

'Oh yeah' I said with my eyebrows raised and a smile tugging at my cheeks, 'and what makes you so sure about that'

'Call it Godmothers instinct' she said practically repeating Anna's words with a wink as we finally exited the building heading out onto the deserted streets.

With not another word shared, we guided our movements towards the small park which typically held so much life only now to be a ghost town.

Looking around, my thoughts took an instant direction to the little one safely keeping warm in my body. The very thought of them entering the world in such an unpredictable time sent a rush of worry straight to my gut.

'Hey, you okay' Hallie asked clearly noticing my inner meltdown without reason.

'Yeah, yeah just thinking' I responded honestly without glancing towards her eye line which I knew was fixed on me.

'You are going to be alright Jo, both of you are' she spoke in her reassuring voice which always seemed to calm my nerves.

With a quick smile signifying my silent thank you, my eyes continued to search the perimeter as I took in how crazy different the world had become.

Lately, my entire focus had been on anything but the reality of our world. One day I was crying over the loss of my ex-lover and the next I was finding out I was going to become a mother much sooner than expected.

The tables constantly turning in my head didn't take a time out to peak just outside my tinted glass windows to see what had become as a result of the pandemic.

The park usually filled with screaming kids, empty.

The restaurant usually forcing customers to queue around the block, closed.

The streets usually pilled up with traffic as rush hour hit, abandoned.

As I took in the fresh air, I worried about the possibility of me contracting something I'd once felt completely immune to. The problem wasn't how I'd survive but now knowing I had a whole human to care for gave me completely different priorities.

As I walked 6ft apart from a family clearly looking for the same release from there clamped up surroundings, the worry still at the forefront of my mind began eating me up again as my desperation to get away from the strangers took over.

It was times like this where I wondered how Hero would be. I questioned whether the positive pregnancy test I had received would have been an occasion he chose to celebrate or rather one he'd consider to be an ugly disaster. Whether he'd choose to be completely careless or an overly protective caveman. Somehow, I knew within myself it would be the latter.

I couldn't help but think back on our conversations surrounding the future we so desired together. One discussion is particular left me dreaming of our future family of 5 duplicating Hero's upbringing. I'd loved having Katherine growing up but the idea of having a second sibling never failed to excite me. The genders were never a concern of mine as I found my self yearning solemnly for healthy children.

Snapping back to reality, another couple passing by spiked the feeling I'd constantly seen occurring since our walk began.

'Hallie, I want to go back' I said nervously, clearly alerting her as she grabbed my hand and began walking us towards the building I wanted nothing more than to stay in forever.

'Is everything ok' she finally asked as the structure came into view as another individual passed by this time much closer than the ones at the park. A shiver swimming down my spine, I replied with a quick yes before speeding up my pace.

Finally reaching the door I'd been most craving to see, a smile etched onto my cheeks at the safety I knew I'd soon be receiving. Unfortunately, the feeling didn't last too long as my eyes aligned with the slight opening alerting both Hallie and me that the door wasn't locked.

The possibility of an intruder instantly had me placing my left hand over my stomach as my fear met with Hallie's.

Giving each other a silent nod, my roommate's arm gripped the handle before peering around the frame to look for any signs of life. Not wanting to alert the police in case we'd left the door open by mistake, Hallie led in front as she took small steps inside trying to be as quiet as humanly possible.

Finally reaching the living room before me, her movements jumped backward as an image of someone obviously appeared in her eye line.

Taking the few small steps with my hand still placed on my invisible bump, I bravely stepped forward instantly meeting the eyes I never once expected to see.

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