Chapter 34

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November 17th, 2020

"Hero, if you don't get your ass out of here in the next five minutes I'm personally calling Felix to grab you by the skull" I screamed watching him rush around the kitchen like a maniac, the very sight of him dressed in a bright pink apron making me chuckle.

"I just need to finish these love" he shouted over the sound of rustling signaling his activity in the next room, "ill me two more minutes"

"Yeah and in two more minutes the cabs driving of" I retorted still finding humor in his tone, Hallie, Hero's sister, and my own having the same response, "now take the apron off and get out of here you butt"

"fine, fine" he started rushing in with a plate full of the most divine smelling chocolate chip cookies dodging the three other women ogling before finally reaching me, "do you need anything else baby?"

"What I need is for you to go and have some fun," I said as he leaned down to peck my lips, his hand resting over my 9-month bump in his path as the look of concern took over his face, "we'll be absolutely fine babe, stop worrying"

"Your due any day Jo an-"

"I'm due in two weeks, not tomorrow" I cut him off,  attempting to reduce his worry, "and besides your literally a call away baby, and I'm surrounded by our family, if anything happens I promise you will be the first to know. Now go, don't make Evan or Felix wait any longer" I looked at him sincerely, the sight of the worry reducing in his eyes making me more than pleased. 

"Fine, but I swear," he said now turning to the other people located in the room with a stern look, "if anything happens to either of them, one of you call me, in fact, all three of you call me" he began before Mercy stood to her feet, grabbing the apron that was now in his hands and pushing him towards the door.

"And if you can't reach me try Evan or Felix or even th-" he started, only to be cut off by the door slamming closed in his face silencing his concern.

"I know he's your brother Mercy" Hallie started, her eyes rolled to the back of her head already telling me the exact direction of this conversation, "but he is by far the most annoying little fuck I've ever met"

After laughing for what seemed like hours over Hero's exit, the presence of his mum arriving from upstairs with a book filled to the brim with his childhood photos soon had me smiling wider than imaginable with my hand resting on my bump unconsciously, thoughts entirely consumed by my future son.

"And this is when Titan and Merc smashed his face into a cake on his birthday" she continued flicking through, the images of his cheeks covered in buttercream making my grin only grow, "And this is whe- Are you okay honey?" 

The pain shooting up my abdomen had me cowering over in pain, "Yeah, I think it's just bracks and hicks, I'm just going to the bathroom real quick" I stated, the seconds following stopping me in my tracks as a gush of fluid flooded down my legs. 

The next few seconds seemed to pass in slow motion. At the realization of what had just occurred, my eyes widened in disbelief before a second shooting pain pushed against my stomach, forcing me to lean over as the women surrounding me rushed over.

"My water just broke" I practically screamed, the contraction still tearing through me inflicting a level of pain I didn't even believe was possible. Holy fucking shit this is happening,

"Oh my gosh okay" I heard Kath's voice along with the rushed ones of several others, "let's get you in the car and your bag an- oh shit do you have everything packed?" she rushed out, my eyes rushing to her showing both fear and anger forcing everyone silent immediately.

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