Chapter 14

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"I fucking knew you thought it was a girl, now tell me are we right. Who am I kidding we're deffo right, right?" she asked after running up towards me the second I exited the door repeating the word 'right's more time in one sentence than I had all week.

"Let's go back to the car first Hal" I said rubbing the base of my belly I just couldn't seem to keep my fingers away from.

"Come on Jo tell me, I'm desperate here" she spoke practically throwing a tantrum banging her feet against the concrete below.

Throwing her a stern glance, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she stormed back to the car in quick steps with arms crossed across her chest.

"Well then" I heard Kath ask Hallie in the distance as her high heeled covered feet hung out of the parked vehicle.

"She won't tell me shit" she replied slouching down in the backseat carrying on with her fit revolving around my child.

Finally reaching the black range Katherine had chosen to drive across the country with, I sat down slamming the door shut before turning to see both of their glares fixed of me.

"Are you going to make us wait any longer" spoke my sister with both eyebrows raised as a response to my silence.

Taking in a deep breath preparing for the reaction I knew I was about to receive, my eyes closed leaning back against the headrest in hopes it would ameliorate the headache they were about to give me. Finally getting myself to a preparation I deemed suitable, I turned to align my vision with both before eventually announcing the news I knew they'd be partially disappointed with.

'Hallie, Kath, I want you to know this was a really simple decision for me an-"

"Get to the point" they both chimed simultaneously beaming awaiting my next words.

"Well, I didn't actually find out today"

"What why, wasn't baby letting you see," Kath asked in a nurturing tone whilst rubbing my bump as Hallie opposed her completely slouching back, her previous tantrum returning.

"No, he or she had their legs wide open actually" I spoke gleaming remembering the appointment as a whole, the health of my little one sticking in mind the most.

"Then why the fuck would you not find out Jo, I wanna know so bad" Hallie interrupted leaning forward through the small space dividing the two front seats with a pout clear as day on her face.

"It's complicated Hal"

"Jo, what's so complicated? There's either a dick there or not."

"Hallie, try to be serious for one second" I spoke trying not to let my guard I've been building up on my way over to the car down.

"I didn't find out today because it just didn't feel right. I know I can't expect you to understand bu-"

"No Jo, we get it don't we Hal' Kath replied not letting me finish putting the emphasis on 'don't' whilst nudging my roommate's arm, clearly hoping for a positive response.

"Oh yeah you're right, I completely understand why you purposely chose not to find out whether or not you'd have a son or daughter in a matter of months." her sarcastic tone made me laugh more than anything as her childlike state remained consistent.

"Anyways" Katherine started practically murdering the kid in the backseat with her eyes, "Is everything alright with little bean, you haven't said anything so I'm hoping I'm correct in saying everything's good?"

"Better than good, everything's perfect," I said grinning even wider than I thought possible whilst gently moving my hand over the place hiding my growing human being.

"That's amazing Jo, I'm so excited for you" my sister responded

With silence engaging the space, my stomach instantly reminded myself of its still empty state as my constant cravings over the last few months kicked in.

"Can we go to Taco Bell now Kath because I'm fucking starving"

With a quick nod from her, we began the short drive towards the fast food place talking over anything that would spring to our minds. Finally getting Hallie to understand my dilemma being the largest topic of conversation.

"Okay, okay fine but the second they're out I'm running to Walmart to get an outfit"

After a quick trip through the drive-thru, my lap became pilled with the $40 I'd spent on the food I knew would be gone within minutes of opening.

"Right, get us home unless you want taco shells all over your car" I spoke to Kath completely serious, her eyes gazing at me in disgust before her foot slammed down on the pedal.

The second the apartment door was opened, I found myself running to the kitchen taking out the closest plate to my vision biting now on the beefy goodness I didn't know how desperate I was for.

"Woah, Woah, Woah they're tiger save some for the rest of us" one of the two others spoke in the room who I failed to recognize due to my focus solemnly being on the plate before me.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked as Hallie made a grab for the bag containing my sweet treats sending my palm flying to that exact spot.

"Oh come on Jo, you've got plenty and i-"

Not allowing her to finish the sentence she was announcing, I moved the holding cell of my desserts away from her grip.

"Go get your oreo's you dumb ass"

As the night passed on, my hunger only seemed to increase again. As I watched my two favorite people in the country sleeping, I mourned the loss of the McDonalds strawberry milkshake I wanted more than anything else. Turning to my left seeing 2:47 AM, I knew I couldn't wake them.

Walking into the kitchen to find something to ease my desires, I instantly became tempted by the two sets of keys placed on the center table. Looking out one last time to the couch they both were flat out on, I quickly made a movement for Kath's tiptoeing in my pajamas to the front door.

Making my way down the stairs, I turned on my phone preparing to look out for the closest one to me before locating the overly priced range rover in the parking lot.

Within minutes, I had ridden through my second drive-thru of the day and was drinking what I'd been so desperate for.

Over the last few weeks, my morning sickness which lasted far too long switched to cravings I had never experienced previously. Half the time I was desperate for a pickle-flavored chips sandwich whilst the other, all I wanted was any form of fast food gracing the perimeter.

Slurping the last remaining liquid filling my drink and finishing the apple pie I had brought as an extra, I set off on my drive back considering the idea that one of the two people in my apartment could wake up at any second to a missing pregnant woman.

The drive was going smoothly until a flash of light caught my eyes. It was at that moment that everything stopped.

Looking to my right I watched as if in slow motion the vehicle moving towards the passenger side of my car. The man's gaze sat controlling the wheels catching my own for one split second sending me a look showing two things.

One, he knew where the next few moments would take us.

Two, he was sorry.

Seconds later, an almighty bang rang through my ears as I grabbed the seatbelt, pushing it forward in an effort to save the growing person who right at this moment mattered more than anything else.

I suddenly felt like I was floating. My control stolen from me as the lights previously burning me turned into something blissful. It all seemed like a dream.

It felt instant that more flashing lights appeared as I heard calling from outside the smashed window. My gaze soon turned blurry, the noise washing away in the distance as I gave up on trying to hold on.

Letting my hand drop just below my bump, my eyes simultaneously drooped as all went pitch black removing me from the nightmare i'd been unfortunate enough to indulge.

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