Chapter 28

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"What? Son? There is no way, not one fu- I mean a single chance" she corrected herself as her eyes met my parents "Jo you have to be joking me" Hallie screamed as she paste back and forth, all the long Kath having a grin the size of Jupiter plastered across her cheeks.

"Ha, I knew it" my sister suddenly jumped to her feet interrupting my questioning gaze before speaking again, "pay up Hall"

"I swear to god, if you pop out any more kids, you better tell me the gender before I bet my life savings on it" she spoke handing a twenty-dollar bill over to Katherine as a frown took control of her face.

"Hold on, you mean to tell me you betted on the gender of my child?" I asked, glaring straight at the two of them.

"Obviously, what else did you expect-" my roommate started before my hand slipped towards the money, taking it in my grasp desperately trying to grab it back.

"Hey, that's my well-earned cash" Kath spoke all the whilst my parents tried not to laugh with the man who had his hand wrapped around my fingers replicating their state.

"That's for teaching you both not to bet on my baby"

After several complaints from the two of them accompanied by looks which could quite possibly kill, my parents finally got to open their mouths and congratulate the two of us.

"I guessed boy Jo, I know a little baby boy bump when I see one" my mum smiled as her eyes looked directly towards my bump in a way which I knew meant she was proud, "Oh I'm just so happy for the two of you"

"Speaking of two of you" my dad interrupted as three pairs of eyes shot straight towards him, "can I talk to you Hero, if that's alright?"

Even with the gap between us, I could hear the sound of his throat gulp and feel the fear practically radiating off his body. It wasn't as if my parents knew what had happened, the fact that he'd only just flown back over after some stupid fucking mistake on my part, it was probably more down to the fact he'd gotten me pregnant with no word to the two of them located on the other side of the world.

With Hallie and Kath's conversation finally falling and their attention rushing to him, I quickly gave his hand still connected to my own a reassuring squeeze before I watched his path trail my dad's into my bedroom.

"You know" Hallie came up behind my ear whispering, "it's kinda weird your dads probably giving him the 'talk' in the place that got you two in this mess"

With my eyebrows raised, I quickly turned around still confused at her statement, "what the fuck are you saying Hall?"

"Hero junior made an appearance after Fiennes shoot his shot on that bed, or was it the floor? Maybe even the showe-"

"Hallie" I screamed startling the other two in the room who were too involved in their own chat to acknowledge what my best friend was currently whispering in my ear.

Quickly recovering from the bright blush I could feel invading my cheeks, I got back into a conversation with the three of them trying not to think any more on the disgusting thoughts Hallie had just inserted in my brain.

"So Jo, do you have any names" my mum spoke excitedly as her hand reached out to the cup of water Kath had gotten her only moments ago.

"We do actually" I simply responded to which they all smiled eagerly waiting for me to continue.

"And you'll have to wait to find out" I carried on at the same moment the door to my room opened with the two most important men in my life smiling wider than I'd ever expected.

"Remember what I said son" my dad quickly spoke in a hushed tone which I was able to hear, making me more curious than imaginable.

Hours later, I was laying against the bed thinking about the danger my parents were about to throw themselves into. Tonight, I hugged them like it was the last time, the last time I could quite possibly witness the two of them alive again with their 14 day quarantine starting tomorrow before their life-saving duty begins.

"What's wrong Jo?" Hero quickly rushed towards me as the shower door opened with a towel hung dangerously low across his waist, "why are you crying, love?"

It wasn't until then that I noticed the tears trailing down my cheeks. Truth be known, my emotions had been all over the place since I got pregnant. One minute I was laughing my ass off on the floor and the next I was crying about my cravings not being right in front of me.

"Shit, sorry, I was just thinking about my parents" I responded, wiping my eyes trying not to pay all my attention to the greek god stood only a few feet away from me.

"I promise you Jo, I promise you on everything they will be okay love. I know its hard, fuck I know its beyond fucking hard to not think about it too much but please don't worry yourself. We will ring them everyday love, as many fucking times as you want, but I promise they are going to be fine"

Just like that, my body seemed to relax as his words hit me. Even though I was scared shitless about this, I was told only hours ago by the two of them not to worry, that too much stress could harm their grandchild.

I had no control over their promise, that they'd make it out of this healthy and ready to meet my son, but I sure as hell wasn't going to break mine surrounding the health of my little John.

"Hey I have something to make you smile" he said excitedly as he walked towards the stash of items he'd brought from Anna's house.

Grabbing a bag out of his suitcase, he quickly turned around giving me perfect access to his clenched muscles. Not paying attention to anything else in the room, I took my time admiring each water droplet tracing down his frame. I had no fucking idea what he'd been doing over our time apart to make his body grow so muscular, but whatever it was I longed to watch him do right in front of me.

Interrupting my starring, he quickly turned his eyes back to my own covering up whatever was hidden with his hands.

Sitting next to me, he quickly moved his hands over my stomach releasing the small piece of fabric as a smile instantly grew on my cheeks at the sight before me.

"I saw it when I was shopping for your cravings a while ago. I kept the tag on but I had a feeling we were having a boy" he said as my eyes glossed over at the sight of the tiniest baby onesie I had ever come across, "do you like it?"

"I love it" I quickly responded before leaning towards his lips and placing a peck on his wet skin.

"And what about you little man, did daddy do a good job?" He spoke pressing his lips against my exposed stomach before getting hit right in the cheek.

"I'll take that as a yes"

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