Chapter 17

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Walking down the hallway seemed to have become the most torturous experience I have ever undergone. With each step, the sound of his voice grew louder as the true depth of his concern turned entirely visible.

"What the fuck is going on here Anna, why aren't you at the hospital? Why the fuck aren't you telling me where she is? Please.. please don't tell me I was thinking"

Tears were now obvious with his tone moments before he came into sight. I watched on as he unexpectedly dropped to his knees, his hands glued together as he begged for news about me.

"Jo, you need to go out there" Katherine began as I spun my head around to come into contact with the pair who'd been their every moment of my hormonal rollercoaster during the past couple of months.

"Now Jo" Hallie finished as an almighty pain flew down the back of my shoulders as if inflicting the physical pain I would be receiving mentally in only a few moments.

"Look at him Jo, he's desperate for you. Now I don't know the full story of what went down between the two of you, but one thing I do know is that right there is a man who loves you with the entirety of his heart" Kath says in a way which had Hallie mocking her swiftly earning a slap.

"Nahhh, but in all seriousness Jo, Kath's right" her voice stayed quiet during the continuous conversation as my eyes switched between my sister and roommates' faces before moving back to the man helplessly crouching on the ground.

With one final glance at the two both sending me encouraging smiles, I moved my hands towards the corner of the door setting of an almighty squeak as soon as my fingers collided.

With each move I made towards the man who somehow failed to notice me, I listened to his pleas whilst taking in every inch of his godly appearance.

His hair had become untamed as it looked substantially longer than I'd ever once seen it. His arms, one of my favorite features, seemed even more muscular than before as well as his back looking desperate for me to claw through his white t-shirt.

Snapping out of the hormonal trance I had somehow guided myself towards, I crept to the area I was both ecstatic and frightened to be moving towards. Yeah, shit had gone down between us, a lot of it, but at the end of it all, I truly don't think I'll ever be able to stop loving him.

All of a sudden, the single noise signaling the cracking of several of my toes alerted Anna. As her head shot up, his gorgeous green eyes followed as they met mine in a flash.

Without giving me a moment to spare, he dashed towards me like a neglected puppy wrapping his arms around my shoulders as if concerned I was about to run away.

As I folded into his chest, I felt his tears combining with my own as they rushed down both of our cheeks. It hit me at this moment I should of never let him go.

Despite his drunken words, despite his proclaims of wishing sometimes his life would be different, I should have never given up all hope without a fight.

Within the 5 minutes we spent clutching each other's bodies, Anna had somehow managed to slip away whilst the apartment remained silent. The only sounds heard echoing across the walls being those of relief leaving both of our lips.

As if I didn't possibly think a feeling could grow to become better, his hands took both of my cheeks in his gentle hold as he rubbed away the tear leaving the corner of my eye completely disacknowledging my previous thought.

"I've missed you so god damn much baby" he spoke the water dripping from his own skin coming to a stop as a look of glee took over his features, "when I heard.. when I heard about what happened, fuck Jo I've never been so scared in my life. Please, for the love of God never do that shit to me again"

His statement had me nodding my head in a way that didn't hurt as it had only minutes ago, his arms seemed to be better medicine than any doctor could have prescribed.

As his eyes began flickering between my pupils I guessed to be fully dilated to my plump lips practically begging for his to join, I knew the words that were about to leave his mouth.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked provoking my head to move at a speed I didn't know had been possible.

As if snapping me out of my reality as his chiseled chin moved closer to my own, a feeling like no other made itself know on my rounded stomach he hadn't yet noticed.

I wasn't sure whether he was stuck in some sort of trance setting apart this moment from his reality but he had failed to pay even the slightest bit of attention yet to my abdomen. I guessed the second I heard his voice he'd not realize at first, more like I'd prayed, but I didn't for one moment consider it taking him so long.

The pressure had me wincing, moving my hand down to my stomach, and swiftly stepping back from him. All the while his eyes followed the path of my palm.

"What the fuck" he screamed out taking several steps backward with his eyes fixed on the exact same spot. This, right now, was the exact moment I'd spent the last few months dreading.

'Hero, let me-" I started talking trying to move closer only to be interrupted and pushed away.

"Jo, please don't fucking tell me this is what I'm fucking thinking. For fucks sake, what is this shit?"

His words alone showed his disbelief but his widened eyes contributed to the shock he was clearly absorbing.

"I can explain" I rushed out in fear of interruption as his eyes shot up from the lower half of my body up to my face.

"You can fucking explain?" He started removing the contact my hand had tried to make with his arm, "You can fucking explain that you're pregnant and never thought to fucking tell me?"

"Hero, trust me, I wanted to tell you" I started as he ran his fingers through the messy brown waves covering his forehead, "but shit got so messy so easily and then that happened with Chanal an-"

"No, fuck no, don't you fucking dare try and put the blame on me. You had no fucking right, not one fucking right to keep this from me. How could you not think I had the fucking right to know you're bloody pregnant?" he finished screaming seeming to alert Hallie, Kath, and Anna to enter the room.

"And you, the three of you all fucking knew and said jack shit to me?" He pointed with steam leaving his head as his color changed to a bright red.

"You fucking bitch"

"Don't you dare talk to her like that you prick" Hallie spoke up before being pulled back by Kath and having words whispered in her ear.

The sounds around me all became blurry. Suddenly, I was back to the moment the car was crashing straight into my side, the uncertainty of my future crashing down on me in a matter of seconds.

"Is it even mine? Is that why you fucking kicked me out in the first place?"

The words were the exact remedy to kick me out of my trance as I suddenly found my wrist colliding with his cheek. The fact he could even consider the thought had me feeling sick to my stomach. It felt worse than any morning sickness I'd ever been unfortunate enough to experience.

"Hero" Anna spoke up authoritatively with annoyance clearly laced in her tone.

With one single disgusted look at me, his legs took off walking in the direction he'd originally entered through. The sound of the door being slammed being a second recognition that he'd gone.

All of a sudden, the floodgate of emotions I'd failed to contain during the conversation increased there paste. My body crashed to the floor in both physical pain from the accident and the mental burden which I never could have imagined would feel so much worse.

As the three other women in the room rushed towards me giving me words of encouragement, I couldn't help but think of every statement he just made.

I'd never expected a positive reaction from him, but that, that was something I don't think I could possibly endure ever again.

The pressure moving on the lower part of my stomach again, a strike of understanding hit me straight in the face. My little one, the person I'd created along with the man who just walked out on me, had just given me his or hers first kick at the very sound of their daddy's voice. 

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