Chapter 2

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'Come on Jo, let's go in there and talk, yeah?' Anna said in a nurturing tone whilst pointing directly towards the living room with the tv still running silently in the background. As my arms detached from her back, I sent her a quick nod indicating my agreement before taking the few steps necessary to get to the small space. Forcing my gaze towards hers as soon as we were both sat, I noticed the sorrow in her eyes as the tears forming from in my own came to a slow, preparing myself for the much-needed conversation that was about to take place.

'What happened with you two Jo?' she spoke cautiously, clearly trying to prevent any more pain from coursing through my veins, 'You were doing so great the last time I saw you guys'. I intently searched her face for any signs of disappointment, knowing the possibility of how this could affect filming moving forward with the series so close to heart, but her face remained completely neutral.

'I basically kicked him out Anna, I packed his bags that morning and broke his heart' I paused before continuing, 'I brought him a plane ticket but he just walked out'. The guilt forced my eyes down to the ground before her voice interrupted my attacking subconscious, 'But why Jo? I'm not accusing either of you of doing anything, but I need for you to tell me what happened?'

Instead of talking, my eyes scanned the perimeter for my phone before locating it on the coffee table just beside the couch. Reaching forward, I swiped across the screen, which still held his face as the background, before clicking on the symbol portraying where all my photos and videos were being held. Finally finding the video id recorded of his phone, his drunk words slur from the speakers as I hand the device over to Anna's hand.

Less than a minute later, her arms were wrapped around me again as I bawled into her T-shirt for what seemed like the 100th time since she'd arrived. With ultimate silence encasing the room, my mind replayed his voice in my head forcing my stomach to replicate its earlier feeling.

Before I knew it, I was hunched over the bowl emptying the small amount of Chick-Fil-A I had devoured. Holding my hair back, Anna's hand reached out for the closest towel allowing me to read my lips of the taste. After guiding me up she pushed the toothbrush towards my wrist whilst her hand checked my forehead for any sign of warmth, making an exit shortly after I promised I felt no type of dizziness.

About 20 minutes of removing the flavor from my mouth and a lot of worried calls from Anna, I finally made my exit heading towards where we were both sitting on the couch. 'Are you ok?' she asked whilst rubbing my back in a soothing motion, relaxing my stomach more with each stroke, 'Yeah, I'm good just stressed is all'.

Opening her lips to speak again, the ringing of her phone interrupted her pending words as she took it out of her pocket responding to the mystery person on the other line. As soon as her widened eyes met mine, I knew exactly who it was.

'Hey Hero, is everything ok?' she asked all the while looking straight into my pupils, searching for an answer for what she should do in her current situation. The sound of his voice played back through her speaker, sending shivers all over me not halting for a moment.

'No, I haven't seen her' she responded to the words he supposedly muttered on the other end of the line which I knew for a certain centered around me. Seemingly announcing a speech, his voice continued as I tried to get closer to hear his words, only regretting my decision as his final sentence played over in my eras.

'I hate her Anna, I hate her so damn much yet I can't stop loving her'

His thick British accent caused my emotional state to go wild, the knowledge of knowing he felt hate towards me harming my brain whilst the idea of his love only made me gloat. Whilst I was stuck focussing on his words, two of the most important people in my life shared goodbyes before ending their conversation.

'He hates me' I whispered more to myself than to Anna. 'But he can't stop loving you' the woman to my right responded with a look of sympathy evident on her cheeks. My mind was once again sent into overdrive as i examined each individual word he used. Does he really mean 'can't stop'? Does he really hate me that much? Will he ever get over us?

'Jo listen to me now, I understand what he said hurt you badly and I wish for both your sake that he never said what he did' she paused before continuing, 'but the man who was on the other end of that phone loves you with all of his heart'. Choosing to end the conversation they're trying to give me time to consume her words, her feet entered the kitchen as she began cleaning the island of all the food we'd left there over an hour ago, her voice practically forcing me to not move a muscle of the couch.

As her silhouette danced around the area, my mind replayed the words spoken from both over and over in my head, his words specifically overweighing every other sentence.

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